Semper Fidelis Pt.2

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Elektra's POV :

This Girl ! Why did she have to lower her mask !!!!

The armed men came running at us .

Matt picked up Addy and hid her behind a cart .

We fought off the men .

" The thing isn't here  , is it ? " ; Matt asked .

" It is " ; I said going into the pile of glass powder .

" What about Addy ? " ; Matt asked .

" So , now you care " ; I said sarcastically.

" Tell me ! " ; he demanded .

" She is gonna be fine . Give her a few minutes and then I will give her the epipen " ; I said sifting through the powder .

" Its an allergy . She is going to die " ; Matt snapped .

" No she is not going to die Matthew ! It is a light allergy not something dangerous " ; I said .

" Coughing up blood is not light allergy " ; he argued .

" Matthew ! I have known here since we were teenagers , okay ? I know this . I have seen it before.  Trust me " ; I said .

He silently walked over and said .

" Its underneath that pile " ; Matt said pointing at my right .

I quickly moved all of the powder and pulled out the box .

" Aha " ; I said excitedly .

" Addy is going to be so happy " ; I said getting up and walking over to where she was .

She was just laying there , blinking .

" Feel better ? " ; I asked crouching down .

" A bit " ; she whispered .

I got her epipen from my pocket and injected it .

She sat up after a few minutes .

" Here . I dusted it " ; I said handing her the box .

She took it from me with shaky hands and fiddled with the lock on it .

" 14425" ; she mumbled .

" Your name is the code ? " ; Matt asked .

She nodded .

She opened the box and there were stacks of money , checks and a necklace and the ......

" The tesseract " ; she said surprised .

" This is what they are hiding " ; I said .

" What do we do ? " ; I asked .

" I am taking this with me . The Hand is hiding this , do you understand what that means ? They will be unstoppable with this . Its mine now " ; she said standing .

Matt helped her stay on her feet cause she was swaying like a drunk person .

" Let go of me ! " ; she snatched her hand back from Matt .

I watched her amused as she limped towards the car.

" See you tomorrow Matthew " ; I said and walked after Addy .


Adelaide's POV :

Next day was the opening day in court . I sat at the front with Matt , Foggy and Karen .

The DA prosecutor was seated on the other side .

The judge entered and we all stood up .

" You may sit " ; the judge said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now