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I woke up to something licking on my face.  I opened one eye to see Miyami licking me .

" Hi " ; I said  quietly .

" Meow " ; Miyami said .

" What happened last night ? How am I here ? " ; I asked myself .

I got up and headed out .

Laughing coming from the kitchen .

" How do you cook ? " ; I head Natalie ask .

" I just do " ; another voice said .

Matt !

" So , what about you ? Tell me a bit " ; he said .

" Well let's see ! I always got trained and then later served with five-star gourmet dishes. Then training and then food , then training , then movies and books , then training , food and sleep.  And repeat " ; she said .

" Woww..... Interesting . You willingly trained ? " ; he asked.

Really Matt ?

" Yeah. Mom and Grandma tried to move me away from what I was doing but hey , they themselves said that it was my choice " ; she said .

" What about your dad ? " ; he asked .

Is he a freaking investigator know ?

" Its fine if you don't wanna talk about it ? " ; Matt added quickly .

" Its fine . Mom said that dad used to be a CIA special agent.  He was sent undercover to spy on mom but fell in love.  He was killed when he was trying to protect both me and mom . I never met him , he was killed right after I was born . I have seen pictures though. I look a lot like dad " ; Natalie explained .

" I am sorry " ; Matt said .

" Don't be " ; Nat shrugged .

" Natalie , Henry is going to take you sightseeing and school seeing .... Is that a word ? Doesn't matter . Get ready and then come have breakfast " ; I said entering the kitchen .

She nodded and hopped off the stool .

As soon as she was out of the kitchen , I turned towards Matt .

" Seriously ? " ; I asked .

" I was curious " ; he defended himself .

" Why are you here ? " ; I asked .

" You were pretty drunk last night. I couldn't leave you alone " ; he replied .

" Nat's cute " ; he added .

" I know " ; I said proudly .

" The tesseract got stolen Matt . We need to go directly after the Hand now ! " ; I whispered .

" Okay . Did you find out where they are ? " ; he asked .

" I thought scaling buildings and finding illegal stuff was your job ? " ; I joked .

He made a sarcastic face .

My phone rang . I picked it up .

" Beshra will settle at a settlement of 200 million " ; Henry said .

" Get Marci on that case and get her to negotiate a deal and bring that amount to 20 million . Not a penny more " ; I said hanging up .

" What's wrong ? " ; Matt asked .

" Just a case " ; I said .

" Guten morgen " ; Natalie shouted coming back into the kitchen .

" Good morning to you too sweetie " ; I said rubbing her back .

" Why can't someone homeschool me ? " ; she whined .

" Look , Trinity School is the best private school in new york . Trust me , they have everything. They are going to give you your timetable today and the book list.  Its not safe for you to stay at home alone " ; I explained .

" I don't like school " ; she groaned.

" You have never been to one before . Give it a try.  If you don't like it , then we will figure something else out " ; I said  .

" How about this ? You come back from sightseeing and I will take you book shopping and get you rare beauty products, okay ? " ; I suggested .

Natalie looked up and smirked .

" Deal ? " ; she asked.

" Deal " ; I said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now