Factory ? Oh , it burned down !

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" What the hell is that ? " ; Jessica asked .

" Your hatred ? " ; I asked sarcastically.

" No ! That strawberry smell " ; she said wrinkling her nose in disgust .

" Oh.  My new Strawberry scented perfume . I hate it too " ; I said .

" Why are you wearing it ? You hate strawberries " ; she asked .

" I have a feeling that Matt will be there where we are going . So I somehow had to mask my normally lime scented stuff with the stuff I hate so he wouldn't know who I am.  In these cases I really am thankful that he can't see " ; I explained .

" Your heartbeat ? " ; Jess asked .

" I'll slow it down and make it uneven " ; I replied .

We reached the warehouse and waited outside because there was a code entering door .

" You didn't do your research properly " ; Jess said .

" Do you really have to say that ? " ; I groaned .

" Let's break in " ; I said .

Jessica just simply broke the coder switch which set off an alarm but the door did open .

" Hands up " ; three men spoke .

" Ahhh..... Boys . Not really your place to speak " ; Jessica said punching the man closest to her .

I ninja threw my knife towards the other two .

Two dead . One unconscious .

I took my knife back and walked on .

" Who are you ? " ; a voice asked from behind us.  A voice I knew too well .

" Jessica . I believe we have met before Matthew " ; Jess said .

" And your partner ? " ; he asked .

" The coat killer " ; she replied .

Yes , my assassin name is coat killer because I kill my victims while wearing different coloured coats . Plus everyone wears coats , helps me blend in .

" She can't speak ? " ; Matt asked .

" No " ; Jessica replied .

" Go best friend " ; I cheered in my mind .

" What are you doing here ? " ; Jessica asked .

" Same thing you are . Gao has created quite the mess . Plus , Fisk  has put a bounty on Adelaide . Ten million.  We need to kill that assassin so that he doesn't get to kill her " ; Jessica explained .

" I know that.  Do you think he's here ? " ; Matt  asked .

" Probably " ; Jessica said as we walked .

" How do you know Adelaide ? " ; he asked.

For the love of God , stop talking Matthew Michael Murdock !!!!!!

" We are besties . Even her " ; Jessica said pointing me .

" Wait " ; he said .

Okay , now I am going to kill him .

" There's someone coming towards us " ; he said .

I got my knife ready and threw it right between the man's eye.

" Nice shot " ; Jessica said .

I nodded .

" Did you just kill him ? " ; Matt asked .

I nodded .

I knew he could feel me nod .

" Okay look , if we are going to work together then you need to stop killing " ; he warned me .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now