Big hole ?

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" You have a daughter ?! " ; Karen asked .

" Care to explain ? " ; Foggy said .

" Later " ; I said walking out of the building and getting into the car .

" Henry , get Miss Natchios to come down to my office " ; I said .

" Yes mam " ; he said .

I sighed and sat back as my car took me back to Watson Law .

" Marci ! Find me the best defense lawyer in our company and send them to my office " ; I said to her as soon as I entered the building .

She nodded and rushed off .

" Sasha , get me first class tickets to Munich , tomorrow night . Actually , get the private jet ready for tomorrow not the first class tickets " ; I said walking into the elevator .

I watched as everyone got to work and then the door closed .

I called my mom again .

" I am coming to Munich . Tomorrow night is my flight . I am going to bring Natalie back to New York with me . People know about her now . I believe its safer she stays with me " ; I said over the phone.

" I believe so too . We got a warning from the enemy just a minute ago . They want Nat so that they can get to you.  I will keep her out of trouble till you get here " ; she said .

" Thanks mom " ; I said walking out of the elevator as soon as it stopped and opened its doors .

" No need to thank me sweetheart . We both want what's best for her " ; mom said .

" I gotta go mom . Call you later " ; I said hanging up .

" What's up ? " ; Elektra asked as soon as she walked into my office .

" Reyes knew about Natalie and my trial . And she brought that up , today . Now , the whole world of mafia knows about my daughter and they are after her . So far only two of the gang leaders knew who she was and now everyone knows " ; I said flinging the book kept on the table to the other side of the room .

The phone rang .

" Hello ? " ; Elektra said picking it up .

" Yeah . Send her in " ; she said .

" Emerson is coming up " ; Elektra said.

I nodded .

" Good morning Miss Watson , Miss Natchios " ; Emerson greeted us .

" Em , I know this is very last minute but I need you take over the Castle Case for a week " ; I said .

" Sure " ; she said .

" Good.  Henry will bring you up to speed " ; I said .

She then walked out .

" That easy ? " ; Elektra asked .

I shrugged.

" Moving on . You bribed the chief medical examiner ?! " ; I whisper yelled.

" Matthew wanted help . I helped " ; she said .

" Matthew is angry . The testimony got thrown out and that piece of evidence isn't even legit anymore " ; I said .

" Well , you can definitely use something else " ; Elektra said .

" PTSD from the war ? I mean it could work " ; I said .

" You know what ? Emerson will handle it " ; I said .


Night time :

The shipment trucks emptied its contents inside a building and exited .

I put on my mask and turned around .

A red figure rushed past me and pinned Elektra to the wall .

" Hey ! " ; I said going over .

It was Matt .

" Why did you have to do that ? " ; he screamed .

"Get off Matthew " ; I said pulling him off her .

" I helped . You think you can get all of it ? You don't get what you want during day so you force it your way at night " ; Elektra spat at him .

" You don't get to lecture me about my life or how I live it " ; he said angrily .

" I do not have time for this ! I do not have time for the both of fighting.  Lets just go in and and get this over with " ; I yelled .

I walked ahead of both of them .

Three guards were outside the building.

I reached into my pocket and got out the sleeping gas and threw it their way .

One by one they fell asleep .

" Non - violence ? " ; Elektra asked impressed .

" Mom warned me , never date a boy who doesn't believe in violence.  I have broken two her rules already " ; I said walking in .

" Its empty " ; Matt said .

" No.  There is something " ; Elektra said.

She jumped over a wooden platform and walked ahead of us .

" So , Natalie ? " ; Matt asked .

" Why do you care ? " ; I asked looking around .

" Any other secrets I should know about ? " ; he asked .

" My life Matthew.  Mine " ; I said .

" Guys ! Over here " ; Elektra shouted.

We raced towards her .

I got too excited and almost fell into a big black hole . Matt caught me before that happened .

" Atleast see where your going ! " ; he snapped at me.

" What are they doing here ? " ; I asked in awe .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now