Roxxon Ledger

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" Yeah.  Nice seeing you too " ; Danny said .

" Never said it " ; I said .
" You know him ? " ; Matt asked .

" Yeah . One of our high publicity clients " ; I replied taking a drink from the bar and downing it .

" I am gonna explain the plan to him " ; Elektra said dragging Danny along with her .

" I am gonna explain the plan to him " ; Elektra said dragging Danny along with her

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Matt's suit

Elektra's dress

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Elektra's dress

And Danny just wore a fancy jacket .

I looked around to see the placement of guards when I saw him . My ex .

I quickly turned to Matt .

" What's wrong ? " ; he asked.

" My ex is here " ; I said .

" The controlling one ? " ; he asked .

" Yes " ; I replied.

" Kiss me " ; I said .

" What ? " ; he whispered .

I pulled him down by his collar and kissed him .

When I pulled back I saw my ex looking the other way .

" I didn't want him confronting me " ; I said shortly .

Elektra came back with Danny as Mr. Hirochi approached us .

" Miss Natchios , Miss Watson , its a pleasure " ; he greeted.

" I never give up a chance to get my ass kissed , Mr . Hirochi " ; Elektra said  .

He turned to me .

" I like seeing someone get destroyed " ; I said smiling .

" We shall see that at the end of the night , shall we ? " ; he said .

" We shall " ; I nodded .

" A minute please " ; he said excusing himself .

" He is at the far end of the bar.  White suit " ; Danny said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now