I have a bounty on my head

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The next morning I was still in bed till nine .

" Don't you wanna go to work ? " ; I heard Matt asking .

In answer , I patted the empty space on the bed .

As soon as he sat down , I snuggled into him , the black leather jacket brushing against my face.

Matt laughed lightly and held me close .

" I miss moments like this " ; he sighed .

" Enjoy it " ; I mumbled .

" You gonna go out tonight ? " ; I asked sitting up .

" Yeah. I need to go hunt down a few stuff " ; he answered .

" Be safe " ; I said taking his face in my hands .

He kissed my fingers and said : I will .

Matt soon left leaving me in the apartment all alone .

My phone rang and I picked it up .

" Miss Watson , Joselyn is dead . We need you at the office Asap " ; I heard my p.a. speak .

" Send the car over . I will be there " ; I replied .

There , see ! I act . A lot .


All of Joselyn's coworkers held a small memorial ceremony for her. After that I went up to my office .

I noticed a mysterious email on my glass computer .

I clicked on it . It was from Confederated Global .

Dear Miss Watson,

Due to personal reasons we are withdrawing our partnership with Watson Law .

Thanking You
Lealand Owsley .

" Good riddance " ; I thought .

" Hunter , come up here " ; I said into my desk phone .

Moments later , he came up .

" I need to know the names of all our partner companies and all the cases we have taken in the past few years.  " ; I said .

He nodded and did as I had asked .

" Here are the partner companies list " ; he said handing a big fat file to me .

1. Roxxon Corporations
2. Hashikatoma L.T
3 . Natchios Enterprises
4 . Silver and Brent

" Investigate Roxxon Corporations  and Natchios Enterprises . Anything suspicious pops up , you inform me . Get every intern working on these " ; I said .

" Now , the case files " ; he said opening up a tab on the glass in front of me .

1. Jessica Jones vs The People .
2. Hashikatoma vs The Country .

A lot of high profile cases , none of which interested me but then something caught my eye .

40 . Wilson Fisk vs The State .

" What was case no . 40 about ? " ; I asked .

" We don't talk abot that " ; Hunter said .

" Don't pull that Encanto shit on me " ; I said sternly .

" Fine . Fisk had killed his father years back when he was a teen . His defense was that his father had been hurting his mother . Mr.  Watson took this case personally and won " ; Hunter replied .

" Do we still have the case files ? " ; I asked .

He nodded .

" Are we taking any important cases right now ? " ; I asked .

" Yeah . Four important cases . 55 million and above  each case " ; Hunter said .

I smiled proudly .

" Okay . So leave all of those who are working on those cases and get this whole office involved into digging through previous cases . Find me a case file which mentions a ledger of something close to it . Take no more new cases until this is over . Now go , start working " ; I said .

Hunter nodded and took off quickly .

I noticed that I had another mail .

It was from Jessica .

To Adelaide :
You have a bounty on your head . 10 million . The Press doesn't know yet .We need to put an end to this !!
From J.Jones .

Well , Fisk really is out for me .


" I went through the rest of the files and found out that they are holding a lot of blind people hostage and forcing them to cook and pack heroin " ; I said to Jessica later that night as we stood on top of a random building .

This time I was wearing a black hooded trench coat with my black mask.

" Dude , do you burn every new coat and just buy another one ? " ; Jessica asked

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" Dude , do you burn every new coat and just buy another one ? " ; Jessica asked.

" Pretty much " ; I shrugged .

" And you wonder why I call you a spoilt rich brat ! " ; she said shaking her head .

" We have a more pressing matter at hand " ; I said .

" Yeah.  Right . Heroin " ; she said walking with me .

" Where is this place actually ? " ; Jess asked. 

" Middle of NYC " ; I replied .

" Well lets put this show on the road " ; she said getting ready .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now