In the blood

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" You won your second case counselor " ; I said taking off Matt's tie .

" Proud of me yet ? " ; he asked with a grin .

" I have always been proud of you " ; I said kissing him .

" We should go out sometime " ; he said into the kiss .

" Yeah " ; I hummed .

" Tomorrow night ? " ; he asked.

" Sure " ; I said leaning back on the couch .

" Wait here . I have to call someone " ; I said getting up .

I went to the roof of the building and called Cheese .

" Ello " ; Cheese said .

" Fathead owns Confederated  Global " ; I said .

" Matt knows ? " ; Cheese asked .

" I don't know.  Probably no " ; I said .

" Won't take him long though " ; I added .

" Where are you anyways ? " ; I asked .

" Somewhere " ; Cheese replied .

" Now explain how Matt got roped into this ? " ; Cheese asked .

" Matt And Foggy were visited by James Wesley . He wanted them to represent Healy as their client and offered millions . Matt had suspicions about Wesley so he dug up quite a lot and is kind of nearly there before he figures out who is the boss of both the men " ; I explained .

" Can keep him from finding out ? " ; Cheese asked .

" I don't know " ; I said .

" Let him figure it out.  Can't hurt " ; Cheese said .

" Yeah . I need to hang up ... Bye " ; I said .

" Bye . Stay safe " ; Cheese said .

I went back down and sat on the couch while Matt prepared dinner .

Its his turn anyways .

After dinner , I fell asleep as soon I laid on the bed .

I woke up to Matt slowly getting into bed.

" Shh... Its okay . Its just me " ; he said hugging me from behind .

His arms were stone cold. Almost like he was outside for a long time .

" Why are your arms so cold ? " ; I asked sleepily .

" I was outside.  Foggy called regarding a new case " ; he replied .

" This late " ; I said .

" Yeah " ; Matt agreed .

I nodded and fell back asleep .

Matt's POV:

Foggy warned me about dating a psychologist .

Don't get me wrong . I love her . A lot .I will do anything to protect her , even take a bullet for her but she is too curious . I just hope curiosity doesn't get this little cat in trouble or worse .Killed .

I got his name . The man who wesley works for. Wilson Fisk .

Problem is , I have nothing on him . Nothing to tie him to Union Allied . Nothing at all .

I sighed as I felt Addy turning around and holding my arm like a child .

Smiling , I rubbed her back lightly to lure her into a deep sleep .

It worked .

Sleep tight my love.

Adelaide's POV :

I woke up the next morning and saw that Matt was sitting on the bed , on my phone , staring at it .

" Who is cheese ? " ; he asked angrily .

" What ? " ; I asked .

" Your phone was ringing , so I picked it up . The call disconnected and this person randomly texted you .

I took my phone from him.

To Addy :

Are you awake ?

" Matt. This is my  mom sweetheart " ; I laughed out .

I am a master at lying and making up things .

He visibly relaxed .

" Sorry " ; he said , giving me his best puppy eyes .

" That's fine " ; I said ruffling his hair and getting out of bed .

" I should text her back " ; I said .

To Cheese:
I am awake now .. Thanks to you Matt almost found out.  I lied and said you were my mom . You know I like to sleep in on Fridays . What do you want ?

To Addy :
😂😂😂😂😂, YOUR MOM ...... Seriously ????!!

To Cheese :
You have a better idea ?

To Addy :

To Cheese :
What do you want ?

To Addy :
I am coming into town ..... Next month .......... Wanna meet up ??

To Cheese :
Sure .........

To Addy :
Alright .... See you then... Muah :)

" Hey babe .. I am going to the office.  You are staying here today , right ? " ; Matt asked .

I nodded .

" Be safe ... I love you " ; he said .

" But I didn't make you anything yet " ; I said .

" We will order in " ; Matt said .

" Fine . You be safe too . I love you " ; I said .

I went and sat under the covers in our bedroom as I opened my laptop .

Time to Dig up stuff about Fisk .

Nighttime :
I was walking back to the apartment , alone ... Again ....

I just don't seem to learn from my mistakes ...

Although , what's the worst that could happen .

Spoke too soon .

I was suddenly grabbed and the person tried to pull me backwards into a taxi .

I screamed .

" Siri , call him " ; I shouted at the phone in my hand .

" Calling " ; the voice came .

I tried to fight back . Kicking , punching , shoving the man but he didn't seem to budge .

" Hello " ; I heard Matt's voice coming from my phone which was currently on the ground .

" Help " ; I screamed .

The man was soon joined by another and they put me in the trunk of the taxi .



Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now