Dumpster Lovers

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It was still dark outside. I realised I was laying on someone's sofa .

" You and your boyfriend. Dumpster lovers. What is it with you both ? I found him in one and now I find you in the same one " ; I heard a woman speak .

" Claire ? " ; I asked.

" Who else ? " ; she said .

" I saw him . I think I do . Matt is alive " ; I said .

" Explain " ; she said sitting on the other side of the couch .

" I went out , looking for Matt when I came across a man in the red daredevil suit . It wasn't Matt though. It was someone else. Impersonating him . Daredevil and Matt both have been declared a fugitive. I tried to take off his mask but he shot me. He was going to shoot me again but another man in a black mask , threw him off me . It was a man in Matt's previous daredevil outfit . Black mask , black pants , black tee . He picked me up and carried me . I asked if it was him , he said nothing , then I fell asleep " ; I explained.

" Two Daredevils . Someone is the real one " ; she said .

" I know " ; I said sitting up .

" Whoever it was . The red one . He missed your heart by 1 inch . If he had succeeded you would be dead " ; Claire said .

" Thanks for helping " ; I said .

" That is my job . Friendly neighborhood nurse " ; she joked.

" Come on . I will take you home " ; she said helping me stand up .


" Idiot. That is what you are " ; Elektra said to me .

Claire had dropped me off at my penthouse and was paged off to the hospital .

" I saw Matt. I know it was him " ; I insisted.

" Okay then why did he leave you . Again ? " ; Elektra asked .

" I don't know " ; I said .

" Don't go out. At night. If this new daredevil is out he knows how you dress. He will be after you " ; she said .

Before I could say anything :

" You put out a search team out for me ? " ; a voice came from my bedroom .

Matt !

" Matt ! " ; I screamed before jumping on him .

He caught me .

I hugged him tightly .

" Your alive " ; I said .

" Yeah " ; he said .

" Where were you ? " ; I asked .

" At the orphanage where I grew up " ; he replied .

" Who was that ? " ; he asked me .

" I don't know. Not yet " ; I said .

" This doesn't change the fact that you are still under investigation and Matt you are being hunted " ; Elektra said .

" I heard.  I have been on the run " ; he said .

" Where's Natalie ? Is she fine ? " ; Matt asked looking around .

" She is fine.  Sleeping " ; I replied .

" Who is handling your case ? " ; he asked as we all sat down .

" Ray Nadeem " ; Elektra said .

I was too busy staring at Matt to answer his questions. " They are going to cross examine her on Friday " ; she added .

" It doesn't make sense.  They are charging her for my murder but FBI also claims that they know my identity and I am a fugitive ? " ; Matt asked .

" Fisk.  He bought the FBI. They all work for him now.  That man in the red suit is someone who works for him . He has been killing innocent people and he revealed his identity . He said his name was Matt Murdock . But that news is known to the world , my case is under wraps and will remain under wraps because Fisk wants both of us gone . So they will probably tell the media I did something illegal  " ; I explained .

" Christ ! " ; he exclaimed.

" They won't find out about your Mafia job , will they ? " ; Matt asked .

" There is a 5 percent possibility. I hope they don't because if they do my mom will order to have all of them killed " ; I said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now