Breathing or Dead dead ??

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We searched the whole place .

" Where is it ? "; I screamed throwing a vase at the wall .

" Addy . Where were you when you said those words ? " ; Matt asked .

I silently sat on the floor and put my head in my hands .

" I don't know " ; I whispered.

" Let's check Nat's room " ; he said .

Thankfully , Nat was still asleep . How ? She had noise cancelling headphones on .

" What is she listening to ? " ; I wondered .

I picked up her phone and clicked on it . Her spotify showed the song The Wolf playing. 

Damn !

" Found it " ; Matt whispered.

I looked over . He was holding a small microchip like device .

" Hope you had your fun time listening in.  From now , you will hear the ground and not my talking . Thank you for listening to the Wilhelm Watson podcast . Signing off . See you never " ; I said cheerily before throwing it on the ground and crushing it .

" Really ? " ; Matt asked .

" What ? Please don't tell me that sarcasm goes against your rules ! " ; I said making a face at him.

" Stop making a face . Come on " ; he said dragging me out .

" What now ? " ; I asked .

" Go to sleep. You have your cross examination tomorrow " ; he said kissing my forehead .

" Your not staying ? " ; I asked .

" Sorry sweetheart . I have some work . See you tomorrow " ; he said .

" See you " ; I whispered .


I sat at the FBI office in the waiting room with Foggy .

" Stop spinning in the chair " ; he said to me .

" Can't help it Foggs . They gave me a spinning chair " ; I giggled .

He shook his head , amused.

" Matt is alive " ; I said .

" I know  . I hit him over the head for hiding out for so long when he came over last night " ; he said .

I laughed .

" Miss Watson , Mr . Nelson , your cleared to go.  Agent Nadeem shall not be coming. All charges against you have been dropped too . You are free to go . There is a woman and Detective Jones here " ; the rookie agent said .

" Woman ? " ; Foggy asked .

" My mother.  She is here and that can only mean one thing . I messed up " ; I exhaled .

We went outside and saw my mom and jessica talking .

" Madre , bestie . Charges dropped ? " ; I asked .

" Yes " ; Jess replied .

" This is Foggy . My other bestie " ; I said pulling Foggy in front of me .

He shook hands with both of them before he got a call from a client , so he said goodbye to us and walked out .

My mom slapped me at the back of my head.  Jessica stiffled a laugh .

" Ouch and why ? " ; I asked rubbing my head .

" Basic training Addy . CCTv ? Seriously ? A camera busted you . This was bad for business . Trading was at risk. We fixed it " ; Mom replied pointing to Jessica and herself .

" I am sorry . Trading is fine . Natalie and I took care of it " ; I whispered .

" You mom is fun . She told me a lot of your embarrassing stories. Can't wait to tell Matt and Elektra and Foggy and Karen . Hahah " ; Jessica said evilly .

" You want me to push you off a building . Cause I will " ; I snapped at her .

" Agent Nadeem is dead " ; Mom said .

" Excuse me ? " ; I asked .

" Your excused.  He was found dead in a forest . GSW to the head " ; Mom said.

" How do you know this ? " ; I asked .

" Matt " ; she replied .

" I will visit the crime scene " ; Jessica said .

" Take one of the SUV's " ; I said tossing her the keys.

She nodded .

" Henry , penthouse " ; I said as mom and I got into my car .

" Yes ma'am " ; he said .

" When did you get here ? " ; I asked.

" Just this morning " ; Mom replied .

" I missed New York " ; she sighed .

" Fisk killed him . He had a family " ; I said .

" Make sure you kill Fisk " ;  she said .

" I will " ; I said looking out .

" He is about to marry his girlfriend . Two days from now " ; mom added.

" At the plaza ? " ; I asked .

" Yes " ; she said .

" Let him get married . Then I will kill him " ; I said .


" Kill him ? " ; Matt asked .

" He will get out of jail in a few days , come after us , get defeated , back to jail , out and after us . The cycle goes on sweetheart " ; I said .

" Unless of course we let Nick Fury take him " ; Matt said .

" We will decide about that later " ; I said .

" Matt ! I need help ! " ; Natalie yelled from the kitchen .

He smiled and got up .

" He is pretty attached with Nattie " ; mom said .

" He is . He loves her " ; I said .

" He is hot ! " ; Mom whispered .

" Whispering it won't make a difference . Matt stop eavesdropping . You too Natalie " ; I yelled at them .

They giggled and went back to the kitchen .

Mom laughed .

" I am happy you found someone other than Adam " ; she said .

" Yeah ? I am happy too . Adam was Adam.  Matt is himself " ; I said .

" You miss him ? " ; Mom asked .

" Not really . I just blame myself for his death " ; I sighed .

" It was not your fault " ; mom said .

I nodded .

Maybe it is time to revisit some memories .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now