Watson Law

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The next day we were waiting outside the court room when Marci came out of the room with another lawyer .

" Henry wishes to give you the company . We don't need to fight against each other I guess " ; she said to us . Mainly Foggy .

That was quick . What changed his mind ?

My phone dinged at the exact same time .

" Uh thank you . I gotta take this " ; I said excusing myself .

To Addy :
Surprise!!!! Its all yours now . Wreck havoc !!!💣💣💣

To Cheese :
Funny . Very funny .What did you do ?

To Addy :
Just had a little bit of fun . No thank you ?

To Cheese :
Thank you . You get that thing !!!!

To Addy :
I will . Stop worrying !!!!!!!!!!!!!🤙🤙🤙

Well damn , I just got the company . Yesss !!!

" Hey .What did I miss ? " ; I asked skipping over to them .

" You just need to sign a few documents.  That's it " ; Karen said smiling.

" I 'll do it now " ; I said signing a bunch of documents .

" Foggy used to date Marci.  And she called him Foggy Bear " ; Karen said giggling .

I giggled too .

" Hey Foggy bear " ; I said to him .

" Not you too . Karen ! " ; he said groaning.

" You guys wanna come with me ? To go see my company ? " ; I asked .

" I would love to " ;  Foggy said. 

As we were walking out of the court we were taken to one of the black SUV's waiting for us .

" Will you still work at the Presbyterian ? " ; Matt asked .

" Yeah.  I will " ; I replied .

Everyone at my new office were waiting for me , the new boss .

I felt like a celebrity.  After the new boss speech we were escorted to my very own private floor . The advantage of this private floor was that no one could enter until and unless I allowed them in .

" I can see the Empire State Building " ; Foggy said excitedly .

" The view is so good " ; I squealed .

Foggy and I looked like two kids in a candy shop admiring the colourful candy in glass jars .

" We should celebrate . Tonight at Josie's ? " ; Karen suggested.

" I would love that " ; I said .

" Count me in " ; Foggy said .

" Nah . I am gonna head home early " ; Matt said .

" Seriously ? One night Matt.  Just one night " ; Foggy insisted .

" You guys enjoy " ; he said waving his hand .

" Yeah . We still didn't go over the Cardenas case " ; Karen said .

" Yeah . We have to start working on that. See ya tonight Addy " ; Foggy said.

" See you tonight guys " ; I said .

Once the office was empty , I sat at my glass desk . The glass was my computer screen and it was already logged in .

I swiped my fingers over the glass trying to find the case I was interested in .

I finally found it and clicked on the file .The file was empty .

I tried to search for it everywhere . It just wasn't there.

To Cheese :
The file isn't here .....

To Addy :
What do you mean by it isn't there ?????

To Cheese :
The archives , trash bins , deleted files , its nowhere.

To Addy :
Hack into the server of Watson Law .

I did that . I got into the deleted files database and clicked on the Hashikamoto Case .

Bold red letters appeared saying : ACCESS DENIED .

The heck ? I am the bloody owner of this company . It shouldn't say that. 

To Cheese :
I hacked into the server . Got the file but couldn't get any access to it .

To Addy :
You . Are . The . Owner ???

To Cheese :
I . Thought . The . Same. Thing .

To Addy :
I'll see if I can find something from my end .

To Cheese :
I will keep on trying here. 


" Toast to my best friend on being the CEO of her own company " ; Foggy raised his bear bottle.

Karen and I laughed .

" Oh . We have a surprise for you " ; Karen said excitedly .

" Ooh ... I love surprises " ; I said , getting excited.

" It is actually from all three of us.  Especially Matt . Apparently , the media is as fast as a cheetah " ; Foggy said as Karen handed me a magazine .

I was on the cover of it !

" Oh my God ! I got my first Magazine Cover !!" ; I squealed

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" Oh my God ! I got my first Magazine Cover !!" ; I squealed .

" Hey , they used the photo from the charity event " ; I said .

" Thanks a lot guys . Cheers " ; I said raising my beer bottle. 

We three clinked our bottles together . It felt good to be away from worrying about the deleted case file .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now