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Two weeks later :

It was all good . Really good . Nelson and Murdock were getting a lot clients , even Watson law was thriving .

" Do you have to go to work today ? " ; I asked Matt as he hovered over me with a cheeky grin .

" You know I do " ; he said .

" But you are your own boss " ; I whined .

" Then why do you go to work " ; Matt asked .

I stayed silent knowing that he had won .

" Exactly " ; he whispered kissing me on my lips .

" And now I am gonna be late " ; he said getting up.

" Date night tonight ? " ; he asked .

" Can we do a stay in date night ? " ; I asked.

" I will pick up the wine " ; Matt said .

" And I will pick up the grocery , so you know , we can cook and then eat " ; I said planning it all out .

" As you wish darling " ; he said giving me a goodbye kiss .

After he had exited the apartment I dragged myself out of bed and checked my phone.

No new messages from Cheese .

I sighed.

I got dressed in a pencil skirt and white shirt , took my blazer and walked out of the apartment after locking it behind me .

The black SUV was already waiting me outside of the apartment .

" Good morning , Miss Watson " ; Henry greeted me .

" Good morning Henry " ; I said .

" Do we have any meetings today ? " ; I asked .

" Yeah.  Three actually and you have two of your psychology sessions today too " ; Henry said .

" Meetings with clients ? " ; I asked.

" Two clients and one partnership company " ; he answered .

The whole day was filled with me reviewing ongoing case files and attending all the meetings and sessions . My patients were in good shape which I was really happy about .

" Miss Watson ? " ; Henry said coming into the conference room .

" Yes Henry ? " ; I asked .

" We turned up something about the ledger " ; he said making me stop signing the documents .

" Go on " ; I said .

" The ledger was stolen by Natchios Enterprises . They have had the ledger for years now " ; he said .

" And Roxxon corporations is trying to take us down . Giving the argument that we are incapable of handling business matters " ; he continued .

" How much money did we invest in Roxxon Corporations and how much did they invest in us " ; I asked .

" We invested 40 million and they invested 20 " ; Henry replied .

" Who was the supervisor at the time of these investments ?  " ; I asked .

" Joselyn " ; he replied .

" Damn it " ; I said .

" I want every activity of Natchios Enterprises and Roxxon corporations watched and monitored closely.  Nothing should be missed.  No detail " ; I instructed .

" Yes miss Watson " ; he said before leaving me alone in the conference room .

I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face.

Running a law company slash Mafia was tiring .


I picked up Fish , Chicken and Beef and other seafood for dinner . I was really craving some hotpot so I bought all the items necessary for one.

As my SUV drove me to my apartment I got a text from .........CHEESE !!!

To Addy :

I am at your apartment. Hurry up . You said you would meet up .

" Drive faster please  " ; I said to my driver.

I reached my apartment in five minutes and literally ran up the stairs and burst through the door and saw Matt standing in the living room , Cheese on the couch .

" Hello Matthew " ; Cheese said to Matt as we both just stared at her .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now