Tony Stank

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" Its either 20 million or nothing.  You want it ? Take it ? You wanna go to trial ? Go . You will just be embarrassed , that's all " ; I said leaning back in my chair .

" Fine " ; Mr.Walters said .

" Pleasure doing business with you " ; I said smirking .

" Henry , send Marci up " ; I said into my office phone .

Marci came up after a few minutes .

" You wanted to see me ? " ; she asked .

" Yeah.  Is it done ? The investment ? " ; I asked.

" Yes. They have received the documents." ; she replied .

" Good " ; I said nodding .

" We get any closer to winning the oil case ? " ; I asked .

" Yes.  Two to three days and it all goes away.  Give or take " ; she said .

" Okay " ; I said .

She left the office and went back downstairs.

My phone rang and I picked it up .

" You invested 50 million in Nelson and Murdock ? " ; Karen asked.

" Yeah. I want us to be partners " ; I said .

" Wow . Thanks " ; she said .

" Mr.Stark is here " ; Henry said coming through the door .

" I am sorry Karen . I gotta go . I will call you later " ; I said before hanging up .

" Adefaide Watson " ; he said coming into the office .

" Tony Stank " ; I said with a serious face .

We both burst out laughing after some time.

" On another note , the tesseract is gone ? " ; he asked .

" Yes.  Someone stole it and sold it.  I know who has it.  I am going after them tonight " ; I said .

" Okay.  You do realize that we need to get it back right ? " ; he asked .

" I know Tony " ; I sighed .

" Want me to come along ? " ; he asked .

" No.  Elektra doesn't like you " ; I said .

" The hot greek girl " ; he said dreamily .

" Tony ! " ; I said hitting him on the head .

" Okay okay . Sorry " ; he said .

" Tell me more about this group. Who took the tesseract " ; he said .

" The Hand is an ancient organisation . Dark magic , witches , ninjas , all of it. Their speciality " ; I said .

" So , like Loki ? " ; he asked .

" Worse.  Loki is all looks , no brains . These people are geniuses " ; I said .

" How are you gonna take them down ? " ; he asked .

" Remember that sword I showed you , the one with the blood diamond. That one can be used to kill these people " ; I said.

" All the best on that " ; he said .


" You said Henry would be there to show me around " ; Nat whined as she jumped on the couch .

" I am sorry babygirl . He was busy. We have many important cases going on " ; I said.

" Did you like the school ? " ; I asked .

" For now . Yes " ; she said .

" You gotta sleep in early tonight . Okay ? E and I will be out late . Security will be guarding this place " ; I said

" Okay " ; she said cuddling up to me .


" Take these " ; I said , handing Elektra and Matt bluetooth speakers .

" I heard Stark came to visit " ; Elektra said .

" Yeah.  We need to get the tesseract back " ; I said .

" You sure they are here ? " ; I asked Matt .

He nodded .

I jumped onto the roof and rolled onto it .

Elektra took out her knife and tore down the plastic covering on the roof .

We peaked in through the hole .

Ten men in black suits were standing around in front of some lady. Seemed like they were performing some kind of ritual .

I went to stand up but the roof gave out and I fell into the room with a thud .

All eyes were on me .

All eyes on me in the centre of a ring just like a circus .

" Hehe.  Hi ? " ; I said chuckling nervously .

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