Adam Ressler

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Years ago : First meeting

" Hi ! I am Adam.  Adam Ressler . Nice to meet you " ; he said .

" Um ... Hi ! I am Heidi Adelaide Wilhelm Watson but you can call me Heidi or Adelaide or Addy . Nice to meet you too " ; I grinned .

First date :

" I like you a lot . Will you be my girlfriend ? " ; Adam asked .

I squealed and nodded .

The real him :

" YOU LIED TO ME ADAM " ; I screamed at him .

" I had no choice " ; he yelled back .

" You are FBI ! Sent to spy on me ! Did you ever really love me ? " ; I asked .

" Heidi , I love you.  I do. That is why I cut ties with everyone . I haven't sent a report about you or your family or business in months . I only ever sent out one report . Describing you but then I stopped . They experimented on me Heidi . And then they sent me to spy on you . But I couldn't . I love you and I am ready to leave everything behind . For you " ; he said taking my face in his hands .

" Really ? You want me ? You do realise that if you get together with me you will have a target on you . For the rest of your life " ; I said.

" Really.  Target or not . Doesn't matter " ; he said .

Things we did or wanted to do:

Scubadiving ( Done )
Take an art class ( Done )
Visit all the museums in the world
Take a cooking class ( Done)
Visit paris
Watch Blacklist , Chicago Med ( Done )
Go to a 5sos concert
Adopt 5 pets , 3 dogs 2 cats

The day he died :

" She is so cute . Oh my God ! I am gonna die " ; Adam said looking down at the baby girl in his arms .

" You got a name ? " ; I asked.

" Natalie Wilhelm Watson Ressler " ; he said .

" Cute " ; I said . " Everyone has such big names in our family "

We heard gunshots ringing down the hall .

He quickly handed Natalie to me and kissed her forehead and me on the lips .

" I love you both . So much " ; he said .

Mom entered the room . " We need to go "

" Go.  I will create a distraction " ; Adam said to her .

" No ! They will kill you . You can't " ; I protested.

" We do not have much time . Please . Go . Take Nat with you.  Keep her safe . I will be fine . I will meet you at home . Promise " ; he said .

Mom and I and Natalie , we were out of the hospital when there was an explosion behind us .

The hospital went up in flames .

" No ! " ; I screamed .

" No , no no no.  He promised " ; I yelled .

Later , I got to know that Adam had planned it all . That was the only way Nat and I could have lived .

I never stopped looking for the rival gang after that .

" He would have loved to see Natalie grow up to be the wonderful child that she is " ; Mom said .

" Yeah " ; I said .

" That's in the past . Now , the people are dead and I am free . Kinda " ; I shrugged .

" Not free until Fisk dies " ; Mom said.

" Definitely " ; I agreed .

" Definitely " ; I agreed

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Adam Ressler


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