Rabbit in a Snowstorm Pt.2

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Adelaide's POV :

I was not allowed into the interrogation room because I didn't technically work for Nelson and Murdock . So here I was sitting in the waiting room with Karen who was awfully quite .

" Come on Karen . You can't remain upset over what that stupid idiot said " ; I whined .

" Did they really hire me because I am pretty ? " ; she asked .

" First of all , you are really pretty . Second , neither of them will ever use you for your looks . Third , Matt doesn't really know how any of us looks besides Foggy . Fourth , they definitely hired you for your skills " ; I said .

" Thanks " ; she grinned .

" Say we have a girl's day soon . That will give you the chance to use your first sick day " ; I suggested.

" I would like that" ; she said .

" Hey , sorry to break this up but Matt has gone insane " ; Foggy said .

" Why ? " ; I asked .

" He wants to take this case all of a sudden . The client won't even give us any information " ; he sighed .

" How was he acting ? " ; I asked .

" Confident. Just like the man back at the office " ; he replied .

Matt came out of the room .

" Would you two mind going back to the office and start preparing . I need to check a few things " ; Matt said .

" Yeah . Sure " ; Karen said and dragged Foggy along with her .

" What was that about ? " ; I asked .

" We need to visit the bowling alley " ; Matt said .

I took his arm and walked with him .

" Foggy said he was confident. Just like the man in the office " ; I said .

" Yeah . Wouldn't even give us all the details " ; he said .

" Are you sure you wanna take this case ?" ; I asked .

He nodded .

" What's his name ? " ; I asked .

" John Healy . The man that came in this morning . I got his name too . James Wesley " ; Matt said .

" You shouldn't take this case " ; I said .

" Why not ? " ; Matt asked .

" John Healy is bad news Matt " ; I said .

" Look I know this is a criminal case but I will be fine " ; he assured me .

" Fine " ; I said .

We drove , technically I drove cause matt says that he is not allowed to drive under the influence of blindness .

" What do you event want from here ? " ; I asked .

" Evidence Tape " ; Matt replied .

" That won't be here " ; I said .

He stopped and looked at me .

" Do you seriously think a criminal like Healy would leave any sort of evidence behind ? " ; I asked.

" Doesn't hurt to check " ; Matt said .

We went up to the cashier and he asked for the tape .

We were handed the tape .

While watching the tape , I realised that it had cut out the fight part . It showed that Healy was playing ball on his own and then it was cut to the part where he had killed a man .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now