Into the Ring

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Adelaide's Pov :

Fog rolled down the street . Seemed like a bunch of clouds had come here , down on the earth for a meeting .

I sighed. This was going to be a long drive back home .

My phone suddenly rang . I pressed the answer button .

" Hey sweetheart . I will be out late tonight . We got our first case and Foggy needs me here " ; Matt said .

Yep , that's right . Matt Murdock is my boyfriend .

" You have a ride ? " ; I asked .

" Don't worry . I"ll walk home " ; He said .

" You sure ? " ; I asked .

" Positive " ; he said . I could hear the smile in his voice .

" Okay . I love you . Be safe Matty " ; I said .

" I love you too . You be safe too . These fogs are not gonna make things easier " ; he said and hung up .

That ... was fast .

Sometimes , it just feels like I am bothering him . He hangs up too fast , always has these weird mood swings . One moment he is happy and cheery , next moment he has that anger in his eyes that can kill anyone .

" I guess it's just work " ; I said to myself .

For those of you who don't know , Matt and his best friend Foggy have their own law firm . And it's brand new . Tonight , they got their first client and I am so happy for both of them .

I stopped at the red lights and sighed .

Gosh , I was soo tired. All I wanted was to cuddle with my boyfriend .

The lights turned green and I slowly drove home .

Matt and I had moved in together about eight months . Before that , I used to live in East Village , Manhattan.

Now Hell's Kitchen is my new home .

It's good . Crime rates are just a tad bit higher and Matt worries a lot but I always say : Wherever you go , I won't be far to follow .

I reached our apartment and parked my car in the basement .

As I was walking towards the elevator I heard some shuffling behind me .

I quickly turned around .
No one was there . I ran up the stairs and quickly got into our apartment , breathing heavily .

This has been going on for a few weeks .

I sighed and hung my bag on the hanging rack , placed my patient files on the counter and collapsed on the couch .

I really didn't have the energy to cook , so I ordered some pizza and wings for the both of us .

After it arrived I kept Matt's in the refrigerator and ate mine .

After eating , I went to our room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows .


I woke up to someone running their hands through my hair .

" Hi Matty " ; I whispered sleepily .

" Hi sweetheart " ; he said and placed a kiss on my forehead .

" I ordered pizza and wings for tonight. Its in the fridge . Hope that's okay " ; I said .

" That's more than okay babe . Thank you " ; he said .

" How about we go sit at the dining table and you tell me about your case while you eat " ; I suggested .

" Sounds good " ; he said getting up .

" Feels good " ; I said jokingly .

Matt chuckled .

I got up from bed and walked towards the kitchen .
I sat on the kitchen counter as Matt started telling me about the case while he warmed up his food .

Apparently , they got a case including Union Allied Construction . An employee named Karen has been suspected of murder but she swears that she didn't commit it , even though she was right at the crime scene .

" Interesting " ; I said smiling up at him .

I knew he couldn't see me smiling but I also knew that he could feel me smile .

" How was your day ? " ; he asked .

" Got three new teenagers as my patient . Two of them are abuse victims , needing therapy and the third one is weird . Doesn't talk a lot and only speaks in phrases " ; I said sighing.

" You will figure something out . I know you will " ; he said comfortingly .

" Thanks " ; I said rubbing my eyes .

I worked as a Psychologist at New York Presbyterian .

" I guess " ; I said .

We went back to bed after Matt had finished eating .

" Goodnight Addy . I love you so much " ; he said hugging .

" Goodnight and I love you too " ; I said drifting off to sleep .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now