The new Daredevil

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" Get up.  You have a very important business meet " ; Elektra said.

" Marci and Emerson can handle that " ; I said , my voice muffled .

" No they can't . Your getting investigated " ; she said .

" For what ? " ; I asked sitting up .

" Matthew's death . They didn't find the body and you are their number one suspect " ; she replied.

" Okay " ; I said looking down .


" Hello Miss Watson.  I am Agent Pointdexter " ; a tall , slightly blonde man said .

I nearly snorted.

" Hello " ; I said back .

" Do you mind if I ask a few questions ? " ; he asked .

" Go ahead " ; I said.

" Where were you the night Mr. Murdock went missing ? Like around 9pm to 2am " ; he asked .

" At my penthouse  " ; I said.

" Can anyone confirm that ? " ; he asked.

" Yes.  My daughter and my  friend Elektra " ; I said .

" Then why is Mr.Murdock seen entering your penthouse at 11 pm and you leaving with him at 11:30 pm ? " ; he asked.

The CCTV's !

" Don't say another word Miss Watson " ; Foggy burst into the room .

" Foggy Nelson , Miss Watson's lawyer . Now if you have to charge my client , do it but if you don't , then let her go " ; he said sternly.

Oof ! Angry lawyer Foggy !

" She is free to go . See you at the cross examination Miss Watson " ; Pointdexter said to me .

" Come on " ; Foggy said pulling me up and leading me out the room .


" I know who you are . Karen told me . I believe you . Matt may be alive somewhere , you know.  He doesn't get killed that easily " ; Foggy said as we sat in my living room .

" Someone follows me. A man in a brown jacket with glasses.  Sometimes I think its Matt other times I don't see his walking stick " ; I said .

" We need to get them to believe your story Adelaide " ; he said softly.

" The CCTV's show you returning home at 3 am " ; he started .

" Does anyone know that I am getting investigated ? " ; I asked.

" No.  But they will , if this goes to trial . They won't believe the daredevil story " ; he answered .

" I don't know what to say Foggy.  I can't let them know about me either . Its already bad enough I am in the mafia " ; I groaned leaning back .

" Let's say you came home after talking with Matt which ended in a fight " ; he suggested . I nodded .

His phone rang.

" Yes Karen ? " ; he said.

" Okay.  Yeah " ; he said before hanging up .

" We are screwed " ; he said.

" Why ? " ; I asked worried.

" You case has been transferred to Agent Ray Nadeem.  That dude hasn't lost a case in 15 years . No matter how strong the defence is , he always finds a way to prove the defender guilty " ; he sighed .

" I have heard of him " ; I said .

" Fisk made a deal with the FBI.  He is being released " ; Elektra said walking into the living room.

" What ? " ; Foggy and I shouted.

" The FBI is now in his control . He bought the FBI " ; Elektra said disgusted .

" Christ ! " ; I said overwhelmed with everything that's happening.

" I think you should know something else " ; Elektra said.

" Now what ? " ; I asked.

" They know Matt is Daredevil . And he is being labelled as a fugitive . Some say he was spotted in his apartment and Nadeem is there " ; she said .

" That's it.  I am getting Tony to launch a search for him " ; I said getting up and going over to get my mobile .

" Tony.  I need you to organize a search tem - " ; I started.

" For Daredevil.  I know.  He is all over the news. Don't worry we are on it " ; he said .

I hung up .

" When is the cross examination ? " ; I asked .

" Friday " ; Foggy replied .

" Prepare my story.  Elektra will give you all the details . Two days . I will try to search for Matt myself " ; I said .


I walked through alleys , roads , the whole Manhattan , in my suit at night .

I caught a glimpse of a red suit.  I bolted in that direction .

It was someone in the red daredevil suit.  But it wasn't Matt .

" Who are you ? " ; I yelled.

" The new daredevil " ; he said back .

" Like hell you are " ; I lunged at him .

He fought back. Hard .

He managed to get me against a wall and tried to take my mask off. I kicked him and threw him on the floor .

He took out him gun and shot me .

He walked in my line of sight . The gun in his hands , he aimed it at me.

My sight was blurry. 

I managed to see a black figure moving daredevil out of the way and punching him .

I looked up at the sky .

The black masked man came over and moved my mask out of my face. 

Matt ? Matt !

" Matty ? " ; I whispered.

He didn't say anything , just lifted me up and walked .

I fell asleep after that .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now