No really , what is up with these weird ass names ?!

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" Mom ! Suspicious profile update " ; Natalie screamed .

" What is it ? " ; I asked .

" Agent Pointdexter . Restriction order from girlfriend , arrested for assault and sent to juvenile prison " ; she read out .

" He has improved now " ; Ray said .

" Restriction order is just one week old " ; Natalie added .

" Address ? " ; Matt asked her .

She handed us the address .

" That is also the last seen place where red suit was spotted " ; she said .

" Good job " ; I high fived her .

" This dude surely got bullied in school . I mean , Benjamin Pointdexter , who keeps their names ? " ; I asked laughing.

" Addy.  No laughing " ; Matt said .


" Well here we are.  He lives here " ; I said .

Matt quickly climbed onto the emergency exit staircase .
I followed along with Ray .

Matt suddenly stopped and stayed still .

In the mirror at the opposite side of the building , we could see the red suit man , still wearing the red suit .

He took off the mask and it was indeed Pointdexter .

There was a flash behind us and all of us froze , including Pointy.

Someone had photographed us .

And then the bullet rain began .

" I am going " ; I said as I rolled into the nearest window and entered a room.

Then exited that room and took the staircase to the agent's room .

I opened his door and stepped in .

He was busy shooting so I snuck up behind him .

I slammed his head on the desk and he fell onto the floor , unconscious .

I kneeled down but he suddenly woke up and flipped me on the ground , his hands on my neck .

He was choking me . I couldn't even get him off me .

I struggled to take his hands off my neck .

Dark spots began appearing and then he was pushed off of me .

" Addy , hey hey hey.  Look at me . Your okay " ; Matt said .

I gasped for air as he rolled me over to my side and rubbed my back .

" I am fine ! Go after him " ; I said .

Matt nodded and ran after Ray and Pointdexter .

I slowly got up using the wall as my support and looked around .

He had closets full of recording tapes , guns , suits and bombs.

Weird last name and weird stuff .

I took one of tye tapes and walked outside .

" We lost him " ; Ray said .

" That's fine . Go home . I will see you on Friday "; I said to him .


" You took a tape from his cupboard ! Why ? " ; Matt asked .

" Because I wanted to listen to it " ; I shrugged .

I placed the tape in the recorder and it started playing .

" you know , I was thinking , we need to catch this person .

Duh , look , whoever this is , I will find him , torture him and then kill him

Where did you get this ?

Its elegant.  A book from Germany . My mom sent it .

Fisk knows . He controls the FBI . He will murder me and Matt. 

I will kill him "

My voice , Elektra's voice was on the tape .

He was spying on us.  More importantly , he was in my home .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now