You really don't know about timing , do you ?

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" Elektra " ; Matt breathed out in shock .

I put the groceries slowly on the bench and walked towards the living room .

" Hi Adelaide " ; she said to me and stood up .

We both hugged each other before I pushed her away remembering.

" You stole the ledger ?! " ; I asked .

" No I didn't " ; she said amused.

" Oh yeah ? Then why does the Natchios Enterprises files say that the ledger was stolen from Watson Law ? " ; I asked .

" I will explain later . That was big game that was being played " ; Elektra said . 

" You two know each other ? " Matt asked , shocked . 

" She is Cheese . The person I have been talking to " ; I said 

" Why Cheese ? " ; Matt asked .

" My last name reminds her of Nacho Cheese " ; Elektra replied .

" What are you doing here ? " ; Matt asked .

" I need a lawyer. My company made a big investment and I need all my money back because they are stealers and trying to shut me down " ; Elektra said.

" Roxxon Corporations ? " ; I asked .

She nodded .

" They are trying to shut me down too " ; I said .

" I am not gonna represent you " ; Matt said to Elektra .

" Oh Matthew , don't you trust me ? " ; she asked .

" Oh sweetheart , you don't break into my house and talk about trust " ; he said .

Elektra turned to me .

" I will have to talk with a few people before I take you as a client " ; I said .

" I will pay nicely " ; she said .

" Its not about the pay Elektra . Roxxon Corporations has their eyes on us like I have on them and Natchios Enterprises " ; I said .

" I still don't understand how you two know each other " ; Matt said .

" We are best friends , our parents are business partners " ; I replied.

" She is the coat killer " ; Elektra added .

" Du - ude " ; I said glaring at her .

" No . The coat killer is a german legend " ; Matt said .

" Matty ..... " ;  I trailed off .

" How ? " ; he shouted at me .

So I explained everything to him The same things I had said to Karen .

" You ? Mafia Boss ? " ; he asked shocked.

" Yes " ; I said .

" I trusted you . I told you my past , all pf my secrets.  How could you do this to me ? " ; Matt yelled at me .

" Just because you told all of your secrets to me doesn't mean that I will tell you mine " ; I said firmly .

" So this whole thing was an act ? Our relationship ? Our love ? You acting defenseless ? " ; he asked .

" Our relationship or love is real to me , okay ? Very real . I just had to draw Daredevil out . I didn't know it was you ! I had my suspicions but it all cleared up that day " ; I said .

" You know I love you " ; I said desperately.

" Do I ? Or this another act of you ? " ; he asked .

" Okay . I get it that you are angry but that gives you no reason to shout at her . She was just doing her job " ; Elektra defended me .

" She has killed people " ; he yelled .

" Only who deserved it or had killed others before " ; I yelled back .

" You acted as judge , jury and executioner , YOU CAN'T DO THAT " ; Matt screamed .

" I am not like you Matt.  I don't follow your stupid non - violence rule . I follow what I was taught . I do what I think is best . You put people in jail Matt . How long do you think they are gonna be in there , huh ? They will eventually get out and start killing again. What you do doesn't save people from being killed , it just delays their death date . Your methods are stupid Matt . Stupid . Fisk is gonna get out one day and then he is gonna come for me and everyone I love once again. What happens when you aren't there for me or others then ? So yes , they deserved to die. All the people I have killed , DESERVED TO DIE ! " ; I shouted crying .

" Get out " ; Matt whispered .

" What ? " ; I asked .

" Get out ! " ; he yelled .

I didn't argue anymore , just walked out of the apartment.  I could hear Elektra yelling at Matt.  I ran . Ran like hell .

Matt didn't believe me . He hates me . So much for loving him .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now