Ray , listen !

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As soon as I was within reach of his mask , the fake wannabe daredevil got up and shoved me against the wall and ran away .

" I am getting too old for this " ; I complained .

" Your not even 30 ! " ; Matt said .

" Well , we lost him . Now what ? " ; I asked .

" Tell me . Who is in charge of your investigation ? " ; he asked .


We saw Ray's family getting into a car and driving away .

I took out my stun gun but Matt snatched it away .

" What the hell are you doing ? We are here to talk not interrogate " ; he hissed .

" Chill ! " ; I said.

We ran over to his house .

" Ray ? Its me . Heidi Wilhelm Watson " ; I said .

He immediately came into my view with a gun .

" What are you two doing here ? ; he asked.

" To talk . The daredevil that is running around the city , killing people that is not tye real one.  Please , you have to trust me " ; I said .

" Why should I trust you two ? " ; he asked .

Matt took off his mask .

" I am here.  Not there in a red suit " ; he said .

" Okay.  Then who is this fake wannabe roaming around ? " ; Ray asked .

" We are trying to figure it out but we need help "; I said .

" Wow.  Two superheroes need help ! " ; he scoffed .

" Ray ! Listen to me ! Someone is going to ruin everything that I have ever worked for " ; I said angrily.

" Okay . Fine . I will help but you do know that I won't be able to provide any resources from the FBI " ; he said .

" That's okay " ; I said smiling .


" What are we looking for again ? " ; Natalie asked sleepily .

" FBI employee records. Anything suspicious pops up , let me know " ; I said .

" You do realize that your daughter alone is breaking atleast 40 laws " ; Ray said .

" You are breaking more than that by being here with us . Plus , nobody knows " ; I said dramatically.

" You are just like they say .Carefree , casual " ; he said .

" Newspapers are always right cause of it written that then it is true " ; I said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now