In the blood pt.2

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Well , we were supposed to go for dinner tonight but no .
Here I was , tied up to a chair , bloody and with probably a few broken bones .
I was silently crying because of the pain and because I was scared .

" Tell me who he is ? " ; the bald man screamed at me .
I shook my head .

He broke the glass pane behind me as I screamed .
The pieces of glass fell on me .

He sighed angrily and moved away from me . Just then the lights in the garage went out .

The men started shouting , getting guns ready .

After a few minutes , all the men started getting knocked out .

I was silently working on getting out of my chair.

The man saw what I was doing and dragged me out of the chair .

" Let me go or I will kill her " ; he screamed in fear holding a gun to my head .

The masked man appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the man holding the gun to my head . He broke his hand which made the gun man let me go .

" It hurts , doesn't it ? Being afraid , being in pain " ; the mask man said .

I didn't waste any time . I picked up one of the larger pieces of the broken glass and stabbed the man in the shoulder . Once he was knocked out . black mask came over and hugged me .

" I wanna go home " ; I cried .

" I will take you home " ; he said leading me out of the garage .

" Where do you live ? " he asked .

I hesitated to tell him .

He sighed and pulled off his mask .

It was Matty !

Seeing him made me cry even more . I sobbed into his chest , scared.

"'s fine sweetheart . I am here . It's fine . I am so sorry " ; he said running his hands through my hair.

" That was you the other night " ; I said , my voice muffled .

I felt him nod .

" Come on . I will take you home " ; he said .


" You can see ? " ; I asked , the first question as soon as we reached home .

" Kind of " ; he said .

" You are looking at me confused , right ? " ; he asked .

" Yeah " ; I replied , sitting down at the dining table .

" When I see , I see a world of fire which really isn't that helpful . Instead I sense trouble around me . I can feel and taste and hear stuff that other people can't. My senses are heightened ever since that accident " ; he explained .

" Who else knows ? " ; I asked .

" Just you " ; he replied as he sat in front of me with the first aid box .

" I feel special " ; I mumbled .

Matt chuckled .

" Don't move , yeah ? This is going to hurt " ; Matt said .

He took my hand and slowly cleaned the cut and stitched it .
He then moved to my forehead and cleaned the cut .

" Done ? " ; I asked .

" Not yet " ; he said .

" But why did they take me ? " ; I asked .

" They thought because you have been in contact with me once , you would know me . I have been creating havoc for them lately " ; he replied .

" By doing what ? " ; I asked .
" Trying to go after Fisk " ; he replied .

" Who is he ? " ; I asked , playing dumb.

" Owner of Confederated  Global.  Also he is tied to Union Allied " ; Matt replied .

" Its not broken . Just sprained " ; he added wrapping my wrist in a pink bandage .

" Take a few days off work . Just long enough for me to make sure the russians won't come after you anymore " ; he said standing up .

" Ok " ; I said .

" Just let me change . Then I will come to bed with you " ; Matt said kissing my forehead.

As soon as I heard the shower running I grabbed my phone from under the couch .

To Cheese :
Matt knows about Fisk.  Plus , he is the man in the black mask . He saved me after I got kidnapped by Fisk's men .

To Addy :
Finally !!!

To Cheese :
Excuse me ??????

To Addy :
No no . You finally figured out Matt is the black masked man .

To Cheese :
How do you - nevermind !! You always knew . Could have told me atleast .

To Addy :
Nah , I wanted you to figure it out on your own .

To Cheese :
I gotta go.  Talk to you later .

I quickly switched it off and put it under the couch again .

" Ready for bed ? " ; Matt asked .

" Could I borrow one of your old shirts ? " ; I asked .

" Sure sweetheart " ; he said .

I went into the closet , grabbed a pale blue shirt and headed to the bathroom.  After freshening up I crawled into the bed where Matt was already waiting for me .

I cuddled into him and felt him kiss my hair .

" I will keep you safe . I promise " ; I heard him say .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now