All Night

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A little Valentines imagine.
Happy Valentine's day to you all 💖🌹


Softly singing along with Adele's 'All Night Parking' You started on your makeup. Today was Valentine's day and Jack will be here in twenty minutes to pick you up for the night out.

Being your first serious boyfriend and the first Valentines you spent celebrating instead of being alone. You wanted it be special. Not just for you but for Jack also.

After finishing your makeup, you got his presents ready. He told you he didn't want anything but "your fine self" Corny. You snickered but you loved his corny self.

Hearing a knock on your door. You turned off all the lights and turned the stove light on. Making sure there weren't any candles lit, you were good to go.

"Damn girl, you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal." Jack said hyping you up. "Turn around, let me get a good look at you." Giving him a little spin, you laughed when you seen him hold his first up to his mouth.

"Stop it, I'm blushing." Laughing he pulled you in for a kiss. Pecking his lips a second time. "I have to lock the door."

He opened the door for you and waited until you were situated before closing it and making his way to his side.

"Give me another kiss," He said looking at you. One turned into three. "Why you pecking me like I'm a tree?"

"Because I know you. You're gonna try and tell me to hop in the back." Agreeing with you, he started the car up and pulled off. "So, where are you taking me tonight Mr. Harlow?"

"It's a surprise." Was the only thing he said before turning the radio up.

After only dating for almost a year in two months, you were sure you were in love with Jack. You've never felt this way about anyone so you weren't really sure but you knew you loved him.

He made you feel beautiful, made you laugh and knew how to please you. Also fed you.

You caught yourself admiring his side profile. The way his hair blew with the wind and how he gripped the steering wheel. Damn, he has really nice hands you thought.

He took one of his hands off the steering wheel and found your hand that was placed by your side.

"Mm, your hand is really soft baby." Kissing the back of your hand, he continued to hold your hand until he made it to the destination.

"Oh my gosh, Jack! You didn't!" You excitedly brought him in for a kiss that was longer than a peck.

Gathering his presents, you waited for him to open your door for you. Jack had pulled up to the restaurant you've been wanting to try for a while now but it's been booked.

You noticed there were only a couple of other cars in the parking lot but thought nothing of it.

"Wait, I gotta get your presents from the back." Watching him walk to the trunk, you watched the way he walked. You didn't know if you were horny or just excited but he was getting his dick sucked tonight. You knew that for a fact.

Jack Harlow Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now