Love To Hate You

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A little hate/love relationship between you and Jack


Jack was glaring at you from across the room because you successfully embarrassed him, again. Only sending a smile his way, you continued to engage in the conversation surrounding you.

"You should go apologize. You really hurt his feelings." Someone you weren't even talking to said.

"Fuck his feelings." And you meant that. Fuck his feelings, fuck his face, fuck his voice. Just fuck him in general.

"Y'all know she doesn't apologize even when she's in the wrong." Another person said passing the liquor.

"I do apologize, it just depends on the person." Putting your hand up to hold your chin, you secretly glanced at Jack and seen him looking down at his phone with a pout on his face.

"Well, don't you think you should go apologize to him? You started it this time." Sighing, you leaned back in your seat thinking it over.

"He never apologize to me when he hurt my feelings." You finally said looking at them.

"Be the bigger person," A third person said.

Rolling your eyes, you got up and walked over to where Jack was and sat down by him. He ignored your presence.

"Jack." You said. Ignored.

snap snap snap, Ignored

"I came over to apologize and you're being an asshole." You felt him tense next to you before mumbling to himself. "Say it with your chest."

"I said, oh now you want to apologize." Jack said finally looking up from his phone but not at you.

Pursing your lip together, you counted to ten. "Yes, I want to apologize."

"Then apologize." He sassed at you.

You didn't really want to apologize because you just didn't have it in you and you thought he didn't deserve an apology.

"I'm sorry you have a small dick and I pointed it out." He slowly turned his head to glare at you again, his stare was so intense, you had to look away.

"See, this is why I don't like you." You didn't know if he meant it or if he was just trying to hurt your feelings but it made you sad for a second and it showed on your face.

"You love me."

"I hate you." Jack was lying, he didn't really hate you but you irritated him tonight. Like many nights, but he doesn't know why you saying he had a small dick bothered him so much because he's never been insecure about his size.

"Would me saying you have a big dick make you feel better?" You teased.


"Then you have a big dick, Jack." Smiling gently, he finally locked his phone and gave you all his attention.

"I know, I just wanted you to admit it." He angled his body so he was facing you on the love sofa.

"I lied."

"I don't care. I already heard you say it." Gosh, you hated his smile. "Have I ever told you that your laugh sounds like a spray bottle?"

Hitting him in his arm, he laughed at the reaction he got out of you.

"You be sounding like, HA CCK HA EK HA" He tried to mimic your laugh but failed and that made you laugh. "That's the laugh right there."

"Shut up, please." You put your hand in his face which he grabbed and held. "You're shaking." You teased with a knowing smirk on your face.

"Oh my god, don't start this shit." He laughed letting your hand go. Truthfully, he was shaking from holding your hand.

"I hope you trip while running." You randomly said after a moment of silence.

"I hope you befriend a Cassie."

"You did not just say that to me!" You were thrown back by that. You wouldn't wish being friends with a Cassie on your enemy.

Jack knew of your dislike towards Cassie since season two of Euphoria started.

"I'm sorry." He secretly scooted closer to you so his thigh was touching yours.

"I don't accept your apology." You noticed it was quite around you and looked around seeing that everyone else was nowhere to be found. "Where they go?" You asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, he just continued to look at you. "Weird isn't it?"

"Yes..." That's suspicious.

"I've been wanting to ask you." Jack said.

"Ask me what?"

"Why are you always mean to me?" That was a fucking mistake. "You're nice to everyone but me."

Thinking how you could answer this without saying too much. You kept coming up with stupid excuses like, you were mean to me first, he was never mean to you. Or, you annoy me. Everyone knows when someone truly annoys you, you don't like to be around them at all.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because Y/N, I think you have a crush on me." He said looking at your face for any sign you could show that would show that his discovery was indeed true.

He seen the way your eyes got slightly big and that gave it away.

"Damn, you're quiet for the first time." You started to get up to walk away but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back so you where sitting on his lap.

You let out a surprised squeal. You did the popular Debby Ryan face in your head.

"If you would've told me you liked me before bullying me, I would've told you that I liked you back." Jack just admitted he liked you. He never gave you any signs. Always talked about other girls when you were around, was mean to you back. One time, everyone went swimming and you had on a bikini and Jack would never look at you.

"You're lying." You stated, folding your arms. This was just like Jack to lead you on then tell you he was just messing around.

"I'm not. I do like you, I just always thought you didn't like me."

"So what does this mean?" You asked looking at your hands. You can take rejection. You just can't take being around them after being rejected and you loved your friends but Jack was apart of that friend group.

"Can I take you out on a date?"



I'm so sick of love songs. So sad and slow, so why can't I turn off the radio...

Leave me alone, stupid love songs.

Let's just all appreciate this picture of Jack. Makes me want to act up.

 Makes me want to act up

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Peace & Love ❤️

DomDollas i thought about you when I took this screenshot lol

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