Short Stories

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First let me just say, you guys are some freaky deeks. Second thing, I want to try out this idea where I use pictures of Jack and create little stories for them.

 Second thing, I want to try out this idea where I use pictures of Jack and create little stories for them

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"Come on, get out the car." Jack was pulling up his hood to stop the rain from soaking his hair, you didn't want to get out because you seen all cameras. Jack didn't pay them any mind because he was used to the attention, you were not.

"People are gonna see me." Looking out the tinted windows you seen all the fans and paparazzi snapping pictures. Even though they weren't here for you, it still had you second guessing your outfit choice. You and Jack decided to match but not down to the T.

"Don't worry about them, I'm here." He held his hand out for you to take. You hesitated before gripping it, he softly pulled you out the car and into his embrace. "Hide in my coat." Holding the coat to block them from seeing you, he started to walk.

"Is that Y/N Jack?! Can we see her?" You heard everyone yelling and his body guards told them Jack didn't have time for pictures right now but you knew he was going to go back out later and talk to them.

When you were inside you removed yourself from his side and walked to the couch in the studio, finding a seat.

"See that wasn't so hard." Jack took his coat off and placed it on the coat hanger. "Hand me your coat." The water drops were getting on the floor after he hanged both coats up.

"I want you to hear this song we're working on." The next few hours he played beats and samples to get your opinion on them.

" The next few hours he played beats and samples to get your opinion on them

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You hated being a correctional officer, all the inmates loved trying you. You were basically the only girl OC in this particular pod. So even though you had higher power than the male inmates they didn't care. Especially inmate Jack Harlow. He's what some would call a pod boss. Everyone respects him in his pod, you didn't know why because he was disrespectful.

Hitting the buzzer, you unlocked the doors so the inmates could leave their rooms. It was time for them to grab their breakfast.

Your coworker went in before you making sure no one tried anything. Pushing the cart in you stopped by the door. They all lined up to get their tray.

Jack was next up and he walked up with his uniform top hanging off his shoulder, looking you up and down. You didn't not have time for him this morning.

"You change your mind about spending a night in my cell?" He didn't care he was holding up the line and no one said anything to him. "I know you haven't had good dick a min."

"And you think you'd be the one to give it to me?" Scoffing you handed him his tray and he still didn't move from the spot.

"Yeah I do, I see the way you look at me." You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Jack was an attractive man and he could sometimes be respectful when he would tell the pod to stop saying or doing certain stuff towards you.

"Jack, go eat before your food gets cold."

"Come get me when it's your break." He gave you a wink and walked away letting you continue with your task.


I love the picture from industry baby, it just does something to me 🥶 chills . if you like this, thumbs up or thumbs down.

Peace & Love ❤️

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