Dial Tone

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just a short imagine. didn't go with my original idea but i can vibe with this one. only 598 words.


Jack tried your number again for the 10th time today. He really needed you to pick up, call him crazy but he wasn't letting up until he heard your voice.

Long story short, you were dating Jack in secret. None of his fans knew about you, never even seen you in close proximity of him. You believed him when he said he was only protecting you from the public eye.

Last month he was being interviewed and was asked if there was anyone special in his life. Expecting him to say no like always, you paid no mind to it. So imagine your surprise when he said yes. The biggest smile graced your face, he was about to introduce you as his girlfriend.

"Yes, I've been dating this girl for a while now." Screaming into your pillow, you told yourself to shut up so you could hear. The interviewer smiled and said she was happy for him.

"Describe her, what's her name, what is she like?"

"Her name is Jela, she's so beautiful." What. Your name isn't Jela. Confused now, you watched the rest of the interview is utter silence. On Instagram, you went to Jacks following and typed in Jela, an account of a girl popped up, a girl you've never seen. You watched her story and the picture she posted 56 seconds ago was of her and Jack in his bed.

Calling Jack, he sent you to voicemail. You tried five more times and got the same outcome.

The rest of the day, Jack didn't contact you. He posted a picture of him and Jela on his Instagram with the comments off. After that, you blocked his Instagram.

Has he been in a relationship this whole time and that's why he kept you a secret, you thought laying in your bed making yourself more upset by looking at all the tweets about them. Some were supportive, others were being mean and a couple didn't care.

Jack didn't try to contact you the next day.

All the times you met his friends and family, did they know? You were at all his shows, backstage at his interviews. Why would he drag you in so deep if you were the other girl. It made no sense. You just wanted an explanation but he wasn't fucking picking up the phone.

You: We have to talk about this Jack. Please return my call. read at 3:45pm

Done. You were done with him. You meant that from the bottom of your heart.

Two weeks later, news articles came out of Jela caught cheating on him. That was also the same day he called you for the first time in those two weeks.

He left a minute long voicemail you didn't want to listen to but your curiosity got the best of you.

"Hey, Y/N I need you to return my call. I'm sorry, I just really need to hear from you. I was wrong. I regret it all, only we know what I've lost. I just wanna talk, so wherever you are, please return my call. I know you're disappointed in me, it wasn't my plan."

Fuck you.

You contemplated calling him to ask about the plan, but what if it was a trick to lure you back in.

Jack never got a call from you. Not a day later, not a week later. So he started calling you only be sent straight to voice after the 15th attempt.


Tumblr fans scare me, i go to look at pics of our bae n run into shit like this lmaoo

Tumblr fans scare me, i go to look at pics of our bae n run into shit like this lmaoo

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Please, a dollar a day can help these troubled minds. BUT for the right price, i can do a lil something something if u know what i mean wink wink wink

Peace & Love ❤️

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