Dating Jack

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Got this idea from tumblr. I've always wanted to do "Dating Jack would consist of" so i'm finally doing it, my own way .. Muhahahaha


Dating Jack Would Consist Of:

• Him always touching you. You can tell he's a touchy person, his love language is physical touch. You could be standing somewhere and he'd come up behind you and place his hands on your waist. "Jack why are you touching me?" - "What, I can't touch you?" while he'd continue to caress your skin.

• He seems like the type to ask for a bite of your food. "Let me taste that, it looks good." Then you'd give him a spoonful or something and he'd ask for more. You two would take turns taking a bite until it was gone.

• Back to physical touch, he seems like he likes to cuddle too. Always wants to be up under you on laying on top of you. He won't care about people clowning him for behind held because you bring him peace.

• He's a flirt so you already know he's going to flirt with you 24/7, always make you feel good and beautiful even when you're dressed for a day inside. Stains, messed up hair, etc.

• Jack likes attending basketball games so he'd take you too. It could be your first time court side and he'd want you to have the full experience. When the Kiss Cam comes up, he's pulling you in for a kiss. If you didn't know the basics of basketball, he would explain it to you.

• You attend his concert but instead of being backstage, you went into the crowd to get the real experience. He'd make eye contact with you all night, wink, blow kisses. Anything just to let you know he can't keep his eyes off you. Something about his girl supporting him just does something to him. Especially when he sees you mouthing all the words to his songs.

• Taking you around his hometown and introducing you to his family and friends. You see a different Jack when he's reminiscing about his past. All the days outside playing with neighborhood kids, getting in trouble. He almost gets emotional because he's one of the few that actually made it big.

• Arguments over stupid stuff. Like him leaving his clothes on the floor after you've told him plenty of times to throw the dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket. Then he tries to get an attitude with you even though he knows he's in the wrong but he won't admit it. Then later on he thinks all is forgiven and tries to kiss on you but you push him away. "You're really still mad over that?"

• Writing songs about you, like Letter From Houston type of vibes. Mentioning how much he loves you, miss you, things he plans to do to you when he sees you. "Wonder do you miss me when I'm busy on the road." Just a song of him simping over you.

• Sex. Ooh the sex you two would have. He seems like the type that likes to pleasure his woman. Always making sure she's satisfied first. Maybe if he was in a serious relationship, he'd never want to wear condoms. Gotta get started on those 8 daughters sometime. Jack would pick out some hideous names, let's be honest. Or 'unique' names, they're so unique you want to hurt him. "Let's name her Tree Harlow." - "What about Doorlish Harlow?"


I really enjoyed this lol. It was fun and different.

Peace & Love ❤️

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