Family Meeting

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My family inspired a lot of the family members in this imagine so you guys will have an inside look of what I go through 🥹 Pray for me, pls.


"Why ain't you answering my question?" Your cousin Dj asked your brother. They were arguing over basketball, again. These two could go on for hours about the same topic whenever they were together.

"You said," Your brother started pulling up his pants.

"Whose playing better, Kevin Durant or Lebron?" Dj asked sitting on the edge of the couch out in the garage.

"Alright." Going back over to your other cousin who was too high to even pay attention to them. Your brother started tapping him to get his opinion.

Pressing post, you posted the video onto your Instagram story because the whole conversation was funny to you.

Today it was family Sunday. Every Sunday when everyone was off work or hungover, they would meet up at someone's house and cook a big dinner just to catch up on the past week. It was always eventful.

You decided what better way to introduce them to your boyfriend of three months. So you invited him over to eat and get to know everyone. He was unsure at first because he's white and also your first white boyfriend so he didn't know how your family would react to seeing him.

So you gave him the address and went ahead by yourself so you could talk to them. You didn't want them embarrassing you or saying anything out of pocket because you knew they would.

After you gathered everyone in the living room of your brothers house, you waited for them to stop talking.

"Okay, I invited my boyfriend Jack over and he's gonna be here soon so I don't want any of you saying anything crazy, especially you Grandma."

"If the Lord wants me to say it, I'm gonna say it." Your Grandmother said looking at the movie on the TV.

You had half a mind to tell Jack to turn around. You could already see how this was going to go.

"Woah, you said you could get a boyfriend?" Your brother asked putting you in a headlock.

"Boy she is grown!" Your mom said pulling him away from you.

"Not with the way she's always asking for money." Your brother was the provider of the family, always buying people stuff and just spoiling them. So if you ask him for money every once in a while, he'll give it to you.

"Anyways," You said getting back onto the topic at hand. "Please don't embarrass me or make him feel uncomfortable." You didn't have to say any names because everyone knew you were talking about your mother. The lady was blunt about everything.

"We'll be on our best behavior." Your aunt chimed in. Everyone sucked their teeth.

Jack sent a text that said he was pulling up. The nerves started to hit. You loved your family but no one has ever brought home a white boyfriend or girlfriend so you didn't know how they would react. You just hoped they wouldn't be over the top with reactions.

The knocking on the door ceased the many conversations going around the living room.

"I got it." You brother said getting up. Walking to the door he opened it. "It's Jehovah's witness at my door. What you want?"

"I'm here for Y/N?" Jacks voice said. Jumping up you ran towards the door pushing your brother out the way.

"Hi!" You said with a big smile on your face, you kissed his cheek and dragged him into the house ignoring your brothers stare.

"Everyone, this is Jack. Jack, this is everyone." Like the respectful people they were, they greeted him with surprised looks on their face.

"Nice to meet y'all." Jack waved at them.

"See, I knew she liked white boys." Your cousin Ciara said. "Justin Bieber wasn't a phase."

"As long as he don't say nigga, he's cool with me." Everyone looked at Dj before shaking their head. "What? It's important if he does or doesn't, never mind."

"Nah, that was some real shit bro. Do you say nigga?" Djs older brother Nas asked.

"I don't be saying that, y'all don't have to worry about me." Jack laughed. You didn't know if he laughed because he found the whole exchange funny or if it was a shy laugh.

"We got a lot of food cooking, you like to eat?" Your mom asked him. Smirking you looked down at your shoes.

"I peeped that!" Ciara laughed pointing at you. You laughed pointing back at her.

"I can eat." He said rubbing his belly in small circles.

"We got macaroni and cheese, greens, yams, potatoes, cornbread and my son is grilling the meat. My daughter in law made a lot of sweets too." They went all out every Sunday. Guess the theme this Sunday was soul food because last week there was a lot of pasta.


Sorry about the sudden stop but i just didn't like where it was going, felt like it wasn't going anywhere. plus i'm naming all the food bc i'm hungry.

how does birth control have over 1k reads already? lmao i bet b00biemilk is the reason why.

the beginning of the imagine actually happened like 5 years ago lol, it's much funnier than how i wrote it. instead of my cousin it was my cousins best friend. wish i could upload videos lol.

Peace and Love ❤️

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