Mr. Harlow

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Working at Private Garden Industry as the assistant to the Jack Harlow was something you never seen yourself doing

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Working at Private Garden Industry as the assistant to the Jack Harlow was something you never seen yourself doing.

Jack Harlow was a multi millionaire business man. Having three buildings in three different states, and more in the coming years. He was a successful man and everyone knew that.

When you walked in for your interview, you were sure you weren't going to get it based off the simple fact everyone else had experience being an assistant. You seen that it paid good and wanted to give it a go.

The job didn't require any experience but you were sure having some would put you in first place.

So when it was your turn to go into his office, you went in with the mentality. Let's get this over with so I can go home.

Jack was sitting in his chair, hands folded in front of him.

You stood awkwardly by his door until he told you to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Going through your résumé, I see you really don't have experience in this type of business." Mr. Harlow said flipping through the pages. "But, that's why I didn't require the applicant to have experience. Everyone deserves a chance."

"I see you've worked at a lot of places and for a long time, what made you apply to be an assistant?" You starred into his blue eyes thinking over the question. You can tell the truth and say the pay intrigued you or lie and say you've been wanting to try something different.

You choose the latter.

"Mr. Harlow, I want to be an assistant to get a different feel. I need to work on being more helpful and hands on and I think being an assistant is the perfect opportunity." Good answer.

"Being my assistant consist of late nights and early mornings, are you sure you would be able to handle that?"

"I can handle anything, Sir." That sounded like a challenge to Jack but he didn't voice his thought.

"You're hired."

That was a year ago and you regretted saying you could handle anything your first week. The man was busy nonstop. Always having meetings, always traveling. You didn't know you had to travel with him until the third day, he told you pack an overnight bag.

Your skills were really put to the test. He only took it easy on you the first day. After that, he treated you like you've been an assistant your entire life.

When that deposit hit, everything from the previous week flew out the window. You were walking with more prep in your step. You were okay with working for him if your check always turned out this nice.

Back to the present, you arrived early at work to start on some reports and schedule a few meetings for the rest of this month. Mr. Harlow doesn't come in until an hour later.

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