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You start college and accidentally get roomed with Jack.


"That's everything, I think." Your family was helping you move and put up your decorations. Pinterest inspired a lot of things.

"Okay, we're leaving now. Don't do anything stupid while you're here. Don't get pregnant and get good grades." Hugging them bye, you were finally alone, that is until your roommate came.

The dorm was big, bathroom, living area but you and the roommate still shared a room. You didn't mind, as long as they didn't have sex while you were in there.

Something about that just rubbed you the wrong way. Last school year, your old roommate never considered your feelings. Always brought dudes in, random dudes, never told you beforehand. Always had sex with them when you were wide awake. It got to the point where you had to move out.

Like yeah, it's her room too but that doesn't mean you wanted guys you never even met just walking in while you're in your panties. She didn't understand that.

Taking your toiletries into the bathroom, you placed them on one side, the roommate could have the other side.

Your mom brought you a lot of water bottles and snacks. Just spoiled you with free food. As long as she asked for something, you wouldn't mind her taking it.

The door opened and you seen a tall white guy walk in with his parents in tow.

"Can I help you?" You asked walking towards them.

"Um, I think there's been a mistake. This is my sons room." His mom said taking the paper out of her sons hand looking it over. "This is the right room, would you mind showing me your paper."

Getting the paper off your desk, you gave it to her. All the information the same.

"Wait here kids, we're going to go talk to the RA." His parents left and it was just you two.

"Hi, I'm Y/N!" You shook his hand.


You weren't expecting his voice to be that deep, deep voices being your weakness and he was a curly haired cutie. "Nice to meet you. You can bring your bags in while we wait."

After bringing them in, he sat on the little sofa in the living area. "I like how you did it in here."

"Thanks!" You beamed sitting next to him. "I didn't want to add too much incase my roommate wanted to add her own stuff."

You never seen yourself rooming with a guy. It was unsafe and the school should've gave you a heads up. Not showing your irritation from the situation on your face. His parents walked back in and his mom had a sad smile on her face.

"Unfortunately, all the other rooms are taken and since you both did everything late, that's why you two were assigned the same room. There's nothing they can do." You were going to call your mom later on, you were sure if she called up giving them a piece of her mind, something would be done.

"But they said if anyone drops out and a room with the same sex is available, you guys will be the first one they call." They started moving Jacks stuff in. He didn't have any outrageous decorations. Just posters of rappers. It clashed with your decor. His bedding was a navy blue, typical.

"Okay, we're going to leave now. Y/N, here's my number. Call for anything, especially if Jack gets out of hand."

Saving her number, you waved them bye while Jack hugged them.

"Want to go get something to eat?"

"Yes, I'm starving." Walking to the campus Chick Fil A, you ordered a nuggets meal and he order a sandwich meal.

"I think we should come up with some rules." Wiping his hands, he pulled out his phone going to the notes app.

"1. We should always inform each other if there's going to be company over." That was going to be your first rule too.

You had to come up with the second one.

"2. No eating each other's food unless you asked beforehand." Nodding his head, he typed it on his phone.

"3. Always clean after yourself."

"Okay, I'm cool with all of those." Maybe him being your roommate wouldn't be so bad.


I think I'm going to make this a series. I already have a lot of ideas.

 I already have a lot of ideas

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Peace & Love ❤️

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