Suspicious Minds

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Yes, I'm stealing this whole imagine from Martin when someone stole his CD player, lmao. This is just for fun.


Jack had just bought an expensive chain. It was around $300,000, he showed it off to all his friends and his girlfriend. One day it came up missing and he thought he lost it until he had to meet Kanye in the studio.

"I don't know, Jack. If something of mine came up missing, first people I'm suspecting are Kim, Pete or my kids." Kanye said putting the bug in his ear that someone in his close circle probably took it.

"You might be right, Ye. When I showed it to them, I could see the jealously on their faces." Jack came up with a plan to talk to each one by themselves to see if they'd fuss up to taking the chain.

The first person on his list was his girlfriend, Y/N. "Y/N, baby, come here for a sec," That's what he said as soon as he stepped foot into their home.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Did you take my chain?" She was mad about him showing it off and rubbing it in their friends face. Probably took it to get back at him, teach him a lesson.

"No, why would I take your chain?"

"To teach me a lesson. Admit you took it and just give it back." Putting her book down, she gave her crazy boyfriend a stare down.

"Jack, I didn't take your chain. What am I going to do with it?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Sell it? You have been wanting a lot of stuff lately."

"Jack, you're losing it." Jack knew he wasn't, if it wasn't his girl, it had to be the other sticky fingers that were here.

Next was Druski, his dumb and comedic friend.

"Why'd you call me here?" Jack asked Druski to meet him at the bar. Didn't want any loose lips around. Cough, cough, Y/N.

"What? I can't call my best friend just to hang? So what's been doing on with you? Any new jewelry?"

"Nah, just been living life. I'm trying to make this money." Hearing the word money made Jacks ears perk up.

"Money for what?"

"There's this car I want and I've been saving up. It's $250,00." Jack took out his mini notepad, putting a check by Druski's name.

Next was Urban, his best friend since childhood.

"Remember when you told me you'd do anything for a chain like mine? What exactly did you mean by that." Urban was smacking on the wings he ordered.

"I meant I'd do something crazy, if you know what I mean." He winked at Jack.

"No I don't, go into details." Jack scooted his chair closer waiting for Urban to confess.

Looking around, Urban got closer to Jack to whisper. "I can't give out my secrets. Just know it's official." Urban wiped his sauce stained lips with a paper towel and Jack noticed the new shining watch on his wrist.

"That's new isn't it, probably cost a lot of money I bet." Urban laughed, twisting the watch.

"Yeah, it's new. Got a deal on it. The same with this new coat."

Jack took out the notepad and put two check marks next to Urbans name.

Lastly was Y/N's best friend, Kim.

"Jack, I'm surprised you called me out here." Jack and Kims relationship was bipolar. They always argued, cracked jokes. But there were days where they acted civil.

"I think it's time we put the past behind us. No more fighting."

"Okay," Kim smiled. "I can do that."

"So, what's been going on with you? Any new boyfriends?" Kim was a pimp when it came to dating.

"No. I don't have time to date right now. I'm trying to start this business." Starting a business would mean having money and Jack knew Kim was broke.

Tapping his chain, he looked her over and seen her hair was freshly done.

"What's stopping you from starting the business?"

"I need a $200,000 loan to get the building I've been looking at." Ding Ding Ding. He placed three checks by her name just because he didn't like her.

Later that night Jack asked all of them to meet him at his house. They took seats around the table in the dining room. All dressed in black.

Moments later Jack walked out with a stuffed rottweiler.

"Now, you're probably all wondering why I called y'all here." He went and stood between Y/N and Kim.

"Yeah, fool. You dragged us out in this storm." Kim said.

"And why did you want us to wear all black?" Y/N asked her boyfriend knowing he was up to something.

"I'm setting my scene." Jack replied. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Now I got news about my chain."

Groans and the sucking of the teeth could be heard around the dining room. They got up to leave.

"Sit down! Sit down!" Jack looked at Druski. "Druski sit your five dollar ass down before I make change." Looking around like who the fuck are you talking to, Druski sat down.

"Jack, just what is your deuce. Please." Y/N signed talking to her boyfriend.

"I know who stole my chain and the person is in this room right now." Walking to the rottweiler, Jack started to pet it for dramatic effect.

" Walking to the rottweiler, Jack started to pet it for dramatic effect

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"Anybody wanna tell me who?" No one answered. "Come on, now. Don't you all speak at once."

Suddenly Jack picked the rottweiler up and started barking putting the stuffed dog in everyone's face.

"Down, sit sit." He commanded the dog.

Dragging the dog around the table, Jack stopped at Kim and Urban. "Don't nobody know nothing?" He started barking again while swinging the dog around.

"Come on now. Y/N, Urban, Kim, Druski. I know somebody knows something."

Jack placed his hand on Druski's shoulder.

"Ah" Druski quietly said.


Ahh i love Martin lol. I can just see Jack acting the way Martin was in that episode. Especially in a turtle neck with the chain ooh lala.

 Especially in a turtle neck with the chain ooh lala

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Peace & Love ❤️

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