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Be honest, do you guys think Jack can be toxic? I just can't imagine him being toxic in a relationship. Nvm, i can see it.


The shoe you threw at him flew past his head. "I'm tired of this!" Picking up another, you threw it hitting him in his chest.

"Stop throwing shit at me!" Jack yelled picking up the shoe that hit his chest, throwing it back.

"Fuck you!" You yelled walking to the kitchen.

One thing you regretted in your whole life was meeting Jack. You've told him numerous times. Jack liked to play with your head and you didn't notice it in the beginning.

Told you he wasn't ready for a relationship, didn't want to be tied down. He then got into a relationship with a girl for three months and made it public. The relationship didn't last long and you were doing your own thing at that point.

He just knew how to weasel this way back in. Called you up, telling you that he made a mistake dating that girl and not you. Asked if he could come over and see you, you said yes.

That night he filled your head with a lot of empty promises. You thought he had changed then Friday came and he was caught sitting court side with a mysterious girl. Blocking him, you finally made up your mind to leave him alone for good.

An unknown number called you the next day, answering you, you were met with Jacks voice.

"Why you block me?"
"You're not gonna keep playing me Jack."
"What are you talking about?"
"You were out with a girl last night."
"She was my cousin."

You knew damn well that wasn't his cousin, when they put Jack on the big screen, she thought it was the kiss cam and tried to kiss him.

"I don't have time for you right now Jack."
"What you mean?"
"I mean, delete my number and leave me alone."
"You smoking crack."

Hanging up on him, you blocked that number too. So many men wanted you, you wasn't going to waste your time getting played by his Roz looking ass.

So you met a guy you really liked, he was good to you and officially made the relationship public by posting him on Instagram.

jackharlow liked your picture

jackharlow: So you broke my heart and found someone.

He just wanted your attention and he wasn't going to get it.

jackharlow: I guess you forgot about our plans to get a house with a white picket fence. I still want that with you.

jackharlow: There was big a ring I seen at the jewelry store, you came to mind.

jackharlow: I got a sickness, the doctor told me I had 2 months left.

yourinstagram: What sickness?

He was smiling at his phone because he knew he had you back. He didn't know what it was about you but he couldn't let you find peace if he wasn't in your life.

jackharlow: I would like to see you before I go. Can that happen?

yourinstagram: Yeah, whenever.

jackharlow: Today?

Agreeing to go to his house for an hour, you got ready. When you finally got there, he had candles lit and slow jams playing.

"What's all this?" Something was telling you to run back out his door but you were stuck seeing him for the first time in months.

"Make A Wish did this for me." At that point, you knew everything he said was bullshit. You had a feeling when he first brought it up so you guessed something in you wanted to really see him.

Sighing you walked farther into his place. Already knowing you were going to break up with your boyfriend when you left because twenty minutes later, you were bouncing on the dick.

Another reason why you hated Jack.

Back to the present, Jack tried out the relationship thing with you for about a month before getting bored and cheating.

The girl wanted to come to you as a woman and that's how you found out.

Walking into the kitchen, you went to the drawer and pulled out some scissors. Cutting his hair was your only mission. He wanted to keep hurting and embarrassing you? Two can play that game.

He walked in behind you, still talking but you weren't even paying attention. Turning around, you smiled at him which honestly scared him.

"I'm sorry for going off on you, my period is about to start. Are you hungry?" Nodding slowly, he watched as you took pans and pots out. Something was wrong, he could feel it.

After you made conversation with him while eating, you asked him to stay the night. While he was sleeping, you got to snipping away. Made sure it was the most fucked up haircut ever. Then you woke him up and threw him out before he could notice most of his hair was gone. You were sure he was going to feel the breeze walking to his car.


I honestly imagined Kanye when doing the Instagram DMs part lmao. I'm surprised Kanye posted Jack and Jack is friends with Pete lmao.

This was just a small imagine, I can't be toxic on purpose.

Peace & Love ❤️

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