Old Fling

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This will forever be my favorite song of Bryson Tillers.


Jack sat in the crowd across from you watching the basketball game in your old schools gymnasium. He hasn't noticed you yet since you've changed your looks a lot and was secretly hiding from him.

You haven't seen him in person in years, you didn't even know if he remembered you to be honest, he's a big shot rapper now.

Back then he would always write little raps about you and performed them when it was only you two.

It meant the world to you at the time. Here you had this kid so smitten by you that he started writing songs about you.

When he started getting more popular around school for his raps, he started to drift from you. He wasn't rapping love songs anymore, he was rapping about having sex with different girls. He told you it's just how rap is but it didn't stop you from feeling some type of way.

You were sure you loved Jack back in high school. Thought he loved you back. Lost your virginity to him and vice verse but you felt when he started to get more known about his songs, the more he started to change.

The goofy Jack always trying to impress you was becoming someone who only looked for praise from random people.

So you broke up with him.

You guys graduated and never talked again. He was serious about his being a rapper so he never gave up on his dream. Now look at him.

Everyone came to this game just to see him because they heard he was going to attend. You weren't going to come at first.

Friends dragged you knowing the history between you two. Thinking you can rekindle what you once had, you didn't think so. You've changed, he has changed.

The game was over and everyone was slowly walking out the gymnasium, you grabbed your trash and went to go throw it away. Starting to walk back to your friends, a voice that has gotten deeper over the years stopped you.

"I know that's not Y/N," Jack stood behind you with his hands in his pockets. Biting his lip a little, he started walking towards you. "Damn girl, I haven't seen you in about 20 years." He pulled you into a quick hug.

He's acting like you two didn't stop talking on bad terms. "Hey, Jack. Nice to see you." You nicely said throwing him a little smile. "Okay bye, gotta go."

"Wait, I haven't seen you in so long. Let's talk." You looked back at your friends who stood watching.

"I have to get back to my friends."

"Then let me take you out to dinner." Why is he being so persistent. What's the worse that can happen from getting free food?

"Okay, that's fine." After giving him your number, you walked towards your friends. Ignoring their questioning gazes.

"Are you gonna tell us what that was about?"

"No." And you meant that, you wanted to keep it to yourself to process for a bit.

"You're no fun." They whined.

Your phone dinged alerting you of a new text message.

Unknown: This Jack. Send your address and I'll come get you in an hour.

Replying with an okay, you sent your address. You wouldn't say you were nervous about being alone with him again but you were something. Your stomach was a mess.

Driving home, you decided to not change or do anything extra. He didn't deserve it. Passing the time scrolling through TikTok, laughing at the comments and hearting a few videos.

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