Little Love

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Finally decided to write dad Jack. I bet he would be the coolest dad to our 8 daughters in the future. I already got the names picked out. Y'all gonna have to fight me.


You walked to the full body mirror holding up your new bundle of joy, "That's you, yes you're so beautiful." You gushed in a soft voice. She resembled her big headed daddy the most. You carried her for nine months and was in labor for 13 hours just for her to come out looking like him. It pissed you off at first.

Harli Cree is what you decided to name her. Jack gave you the idea of Cre and you just added another e to make it girly.

"There's my girls," You turned to look at Jack and seen him placing his bags down. Harli heard his voice and started squirming. He came over to give you a kiss on your lips and gently took her out your arms. "Hey little, daddy's missed you." She smiled at his face putting her hands up to mouth.

He held her up before bringing her back down and leaving quick kisses on her cheek.

Jack was such a good dad, he helped so much. Everyone had put in your head that he was going to be gone a lot and not be there to help you.

When you came to the last days of your pregnancy he didn't leave your side at all. It almost started to annoy you because he was always up under you. Finally going into labor he was more scared and anxious than you. Running around making sure everything was in the car, calling people, packing sneaks for himself. Jack was acting like a soccer mom.

At the hospital he didn't let up. He wanted to experience everything. Everything. So, when you finally started to push he made the mistake of looking down there. It scarred him and he kept saying sorry but you weren't worried about his apology at the moment.

Harli came out crying, the cry relaxing you for the first time in months. The doctors placed her in your arms and that was the moment you decided you'd do it all over again. She opened her eyes and looked at you. You created a human being with your love, she was mixed with you and him.

Jack was tearing up when he held her. Putting her down wasn't an option. He stood over the nurses watching them do their job. When one nurse was scrubbing her head, he got scared and told her to stop. Said she was being too rough with her.

You had to remind him that she knew what she was doing. That didn't help his worry at all.

When it was time to leave the hospital, he tried to talk you into driving home so he could sit in the back with Harli. He said he was only joking but you seen the seriousness on his face.

At home, he was the opposite of what everyone said he would be. He was the one that hardly slept, hardly ate and what not. Jack made sure you got all the rest you could. You bonded with her for 9 months and he'd never get to experience that so he wanted to do this thing where he could bond with her.

It unintentionally made him her favorite. She liked you, but it was the bond they had that didn't even make you jealous of him. It just made you love him even more.

"I got you some food." Jack said holding Harli to his chest and walking to his bags, taking out the food container.

Hugging him, you took the food and went to go heat it up. You've been so busy you forgot to eat this morning.

Harli was talking to Jack and kicking her legs while he held her. "Is that right?" He always responded to her babbling like he really understood what she was trying to say.

You ate the food watching him be a dad. He told you he wanted a lot of kids, at first you didn't want kids at all. Then you got pregnant. You were scared, who wouldn't be. The thought of being someone's mother would frighten anyone.

Then you went to a doctors appointment and heard her little heart beat. Your mood changed and you embraced all the changes that came with motherhood.

Your bump started to grow, she started kicking. Jack talked to her all the time while she was baking. To the point where he thought you were in their business.

You talked to her too but only when you were alone. Those talks would stay between you two for a lifetime, even if she doesn't remember them.

Cleaning up where you just ate, you went and sat next to them on the couch. They were still talking.

"I don't know, let me ask your mom." Jack said looking at her then you. You raised your eyebrow, awaiting for whatever was going to come from his mouth.

"Our daughter wants to know when she's gonna get a sibling." Harli was only 4 months, you didn't want to have another kid until she was around 3.

When you came to the conclusion that you wanted more kids, you wanted them to be a couple of years apart. Not one year.

"When she turns 3," You said looking at him. His face dropped a little. "I just want to experience everything with her while we can. I mean, have you heard about the terrible twos saying?" You weren't ready to be bullied by a two year old. She'd probably bully you and Jack would join in. Hopefully when you get pregnant again, you have a boy so he could be on your side.

"Nah, I understand. We have to focus all our attention on her." Finally he understood. "But," You exhaled loud making him laugh. "Just hear me out. But, what if I get you pregnant and you hold her in until Little turns 3?"

"Jack that isn't possible and you know it."

"We can try." He was talking nonsense right now.

"Plus why do you think our next baby would be another girl?"

"We're going to have 8 daughters." He said in a you should already know this voice.

You could only say tuh and shake your head.


I don't want kids but i'd have his kids.

Peace & Love ❤️

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