Basic Sunday

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Jack in this gif is just so 😍😍 Like yasss look at me like that. he totally wants me. 🙄


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Being cuddled by your boyfriend is how you woke up. Blocking the sun from your eyes, you removed his arms from around you. Standing up, you stretched scratching your belly a bit. You yawned walking towards the bathroom to pee.

After washing your hands, you started to brush your teeth. Going back into the room, you hovered over Jack just watching him sleep so peacefully. Placing a kiss on his cheek, you grabbed your phone and made you way out the bedroom.

Going to Spotify you shuffled your like songs, Session 32 by Summer Walker came out the speakers. Softly singing along, you got out food so you could start on breakfast.

You recently purchased a mini waffle maker from Target, heart shaped. This was going to be your forth time using it. Deciding on red velvet waffles, you mixed up all the ingredients. Plugging the waffle make in to let it heat up, you turned the stove on medium heat.

Placing a skillet on the now hot eye, you placed the sausage patties in the skillet hearing it sizzle. Putting a lid over the skillet, you went and got started on the waffles. Since it was a mini waffle maker, the waffles were pretty small so you were going to make six, three for you and three for Jack.

So far you've made chocolate waffles, blueberry, captain crunch and now red velvet.

Jack walked out the room only wearing his boxers. Coming around the counter, he kissed your forehead.

"What do you want me to do?" Smacking his hands together, he looked down at the food deciding on what to do.

"I want you to seat and look pretty." Jack could not cook at all. You gave up on teaching him months ago. Right now wasn't the time to practice his cooking. You were hungry.

"I can help."

"Help by looking pretty and keeping me company." He slumped onto the stool glaring at you. "Keep looking at me like that and you'll have to eat cereal."

Taking the lid off the skillet, you flipped the sausages and then placed the lid back on.

"What do you want to do today?" He was out of his funk and sat upright scrolling on his phone.

"I was going to go shopping but you can tag along." Today you were going to go to the mall, Target, and Hobby Lobby. A basic Sunday.

After the sausages were done and 4 out of the 6 waffles, you took the eggs out to cook those.

"I want to go get these New Balances I seen." Jack probably had around 100 pairs of New Balances. Since his partnership with him, he has gotten even more!

You had a couple of pairs too, they were gifts from Jack.

When all the food was done, you sat next to him and you both ate silently. Jack has never played about his food so he eats fast. He was done way before you. But he didn't move because he wanted to wait for you, so he can shower with you to save water.

"Hurry up."

"Don't rush me. Go get the shower started or something." You had one waffle left. He walked away and a moment later, you heard the shower turn on.

"If you don't hurry up!" You got up and made your way to the bathroom, Jack already naked just standing there when you walked in. "Don't touch me inappropriately, hands to yourself, stay 6 feet."

Ignoring him, you started to undress. Touching him inappropriately wasn't on your mind for once. You just wanted to shower then get dressed. Only thing on your mind was spending money.

Stepping in, the water felt like it was ice cold. "Jack! It's fucking freezing!"

"No it's not, it's warm." You turned the dial more towards the red side. Jack had it in the middle. "Now it's too hot, look at my skin!" He was bright red around his upper body.

"You're right under the water, move!"

"No. I was in here first so I'm washing up first." Grabbing his rag, he used YOUR Dr. Bronner's soap. "Where's that sugar stuff you be using?"

"That's why I'm going to Target. Somebody used it all."

"Stop inviting people into our house, people be stealing."

You were going to drown him. Imagine getting drowned by a shower head.

At Target, he took it upon his self to grab multiple sugar scrubs. Meaning he won't be using yours anymore you hoped. You got some more body wash, sugar scrubs, wall plug ins, shampoo and conditioner. Stocking up on body care and household items was something you loved.

"It'll be $221.67."

"Damn," Jack whistled looking away from the cashier. He peeked at you before looking away again. "Y/N, gone head and pay the man. Got him waiting."

"Give me your card."

"Lost it."


"Lost that too."

"Jack I'm not playing with you. That's most of your stuff. You don't even need this lego set." You held up the star wars lego set he randomly picked out.

Taking it from you, he put it back in the bag. "You got more coffee mugs you didn't need. You don't hear me complaining."

The cashier was looking at you two bicker in amusement.

"Fine, I'll pay. Happy?" He pulled his card out and swiped.

"Thank you." You had the money to pay for it but you weren't going to when he had more. Rookie move.

"She take my money when I'm in need." He sung placing the bags in the cart. "Yeah she's a gold digger."


Do you guys get ads reading this? I've noticed my other imagine books got ads and idk why. They sure as hell don't pay me for these ads. like come on wattpad. get rid of ads.

elmo's gonna sue

Peace & Love ❤️

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