Joyful Day

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You're invited to the wedding


The venue was packed with friends and family of both yours and Jacks. They sat patiently with the book they were all gifted, pictures you two took to announce the engagement. Talking amongst themselves, they waited for Jack to come out and claim his place at the alter.

You picked a copper color for your wedding. It was the middle of fall and you just felt like it matched the season. The color looked really good on the bridesmaids also.

The guest came in their best dressed. You made sure it said to dress up on the invitation because you knew certain people would've came dressed like it was an event to show off their most expensive clothes. No kids, unless they were family. No pictures or videos until the reception. A paid photographer was hired to capture the special moment.

"Everything looks good, Y/N. So does everyone." Your mom said coming back into the back. "Jack is already out there so whenever you're ready."

"Mom, I'm so scared," You tried to fan the tears away so you wouldn't ruin your makeup.

Your best friend and maid of honor came to touch up your makeup. Telling her thanks, you looked back at your mom.

"I know sweetie, this is a life changing moment but Jack loves you and you love him. Don't let the doubt start to creep in now." Nodding your head, you told her you were ready. She walked out.

Urban was already on Jacks side, he was the best man. Your bridesmaids and the groomsmen made their way down the aisle while music played.

The maid of honor says back and makes sure everything on you is tiptop shape before walking solo down the aisle and claiming the spot next to where you're gonna be.

"There's my beautiful girl." Your dad said ready to give you away. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am."

Your little cousins were the flower girl and ringer bearer. He was only 3 so he didn't get the real rings, Urban had them. The flower girl was 2 and she just threw at flower petals at the ground and at people.

The traditional music started to play, alerting everyone you were on your way out. They all stood getting ready to take a good look at you.

You had to remind yourself to not look at the ground, keep your head held high. When you made it to the altar, your dad lifted your veil, kissed your cheek and walks away to seat next to your mother.

'Welcome! We are gathered here today to celebrate and to witness the joining of Y/N and Jack in marriage. As they promise to love, trust in that love, honor one another as individuals, and anticipate with joy spending the rest of their lives together." The Officiant said.

Giving your bouquet of flowers to the maid of honor, you turned towards Jack who had tears in his eyes. "Hey," He whispered pulling you into a quick kiss. "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you, you look like a dream." Jack had on a nice fitting suit. You loved when he wore suits.

"Do you, Jack, take Y/N to be your wife, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor her, to love her faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day?"

"I do."

"Do you, Y/N, take Jack to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

"I do."

Urban gave the rings to Jack, saying his vows, he placed your ring on your finger. Taking his ring from him, you said your vows placing his ring on his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Jack pulled you into a kiss while everyone cheered around you. "I love you so much, Mrs Harlow."

"I present you Mr and Mrs Harlow!" The officiant said. You and jack ran down the aisle laughing whole everyone threw the flowers they were given.

The reception was turned up. Beyoncé sung a cover of Why I Love You by Major as you two walked in from talking the wedding photos. Beyoncé performing wasn't meant to happen, she was only a guest so imagine your surprise when you walked in and seen her on stage. Forgetting Jack, you ran towards the stage to watch her perform.

Jack came up after and asked you to dance. No one else was on the dance floor, they all stood it seated watching you two dance. Cameras out recording.

"Today was everything I could've dreamed of." You married your best friend and lover, had all the support from family and friends. You couldn't have asked for a better wedding day. Everything was just perfect.


Weddings are so boring. Let's just go to the courthouse and then have a reception.

I haven't reread it so idk how it is, y'all probably liked it, disliked it idk. Y'all still got married, okay?

Peace & Love ❤️

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