Mixed Signals | Street Runner

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I am a BIG Rod Wave fan. I literally listen to Street Runner once a day if not more lol. So please do enjoy this imagine of Mixed Signals based off Ruth B's song and Street Runner based off Rod Wave's song.


You wipes your tears away while cleaning off the table you had set. It's was yours and Jacks anniversary and he wasn't able to make it home due to work. It's always work. You understand putting work first a couple of times but all the time? You were tired of it.

After all the food you cook was put up and the kitchen was cleaned, you took off your makeup, got undress to get into your Pjs and laid in the bed you shared with Jack. Hugging a pillow to your chest, you cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning, you called your friends up to get breakfast. Being depressed in your house wasn't your plan for the day. You wanted to be around people and have fun. Take your mind off Jack.

You thought being around your friend would take your mind off Jack, but then they asked you how the anniversary dinner went.

"He did a no call, no show." They all made sounds that they were displeased with what you told them.

"Girl, what is this? The fifth time?" One of your friends asked drinking her orange juice. "You need to just leave him."

"But I love him and I know he's working hard." You started to cry. You hated crying in front of people and that's how they knew this situation was really hurting you.

"Look at what he's doing to you, he's not showing he cares about you at all." She brought you in for a side hug. She was right, he doesn't show he care at all besides the gifts he sends and little text messages throughout the day when he's away. But that's all the relationship consist of now.

But when he's home? He's the most loving boyfriend you could ask for. Always wants to spend time together, go on dates. When he's on the road, he's just a completely different person.

"Let me tell you what you should do, friend to friend. Go home, call him, give him a piece of your mind. If he doesn't show up to the house within the next day, have your bags packed. You can come stay with me." Everyone around the table agreed with her and you did too. That was your plan when you get home.

After breakfast, you went shopping alone just to clear your mind. Wanted time to think before you went home and made the call. Pros and cons if you will.

Pros: You wouldn't be as sad anymore.

Cons: Missing his touch, kisses, his scent. Missing him.

But your happiness meant more to you than Jack.

Arriving home, you placed your leftovers in the refrigerator and set the shopping bags on the floor in the living room. Sitting on the couch, you called him.

Your call has been forwarded to-

You tried again. Not expecting him to pick up this time so when he did, you didn't know what to say at first.

"Did you forget it was our anniversary or something?" Here comes the anger you've been hiding behind the sadness. "Seems like you did. You didn't even send a fucking text!"

"Calm down. Let me explain." Your eye twitched. "I thought I was gonna be able to make it home to surprise you. Then something came up and I just couldn't call you."

"That's bullshit and you know it!"

"It's not. I promise." Jack was pleading for you to believe him but something in you just couldn't do it.

"Why didn't you at least call me to let me know before I did anything?" The hours you spent in the kitchen were wasted. The money you spent on his gifts, wasted. Your time was wasted and he didn't see it.

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