Best Friend

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This picture just makes me want to praise God for creating me to be around for Jack Harlow in his prime. I could just cry.


You were at a club with your group of friends celebrating Jacks new single that's doing really good. Happy for your friend was an understatement, he has came so far and you were so happy for him because he deserved it.

You and Jack have been best friends since middle school. Always doing everything together, the assumption that two were dating got old in middle school. It wasn't their business to begin with.

Recently, you still looked at him as a friend a brother. All that but he started acting weird when some of his friends in the industry tried to hit on you.

He started ignoring your calls and text, basically distancing himself from you and you had no idea why. The other day he finally reached out and asked you to come out with him to celebrate. Thinking he was finally out of the funk he was in.

But at the club, he ignored you like the plague. Only said hey to you when you walked into the section. You half thought walking out right there but you came to support him. Even if he was acting like a bitch.

He had a girl sitting on his lap whispering into her ear, she was a giggling mess. He wasn't even all that funny, you thought rolling your eyes.

Taking a sip of your nonalcoholic beverage, you looked out on the dance floor and seen a friend of yours dancing alone. Setting your cup down, you went to go join her.

She seen you approaching and screamed, running towards you. "Oh my gosh, dance with me. The song I requested is next."

Twerkulator by The City Girls started blasting out the speakers. Your hips started moving on their own.

You started twerking and a guy got behind you keeping up to your movements. Any other time you would've had a problem with a stranger getting in your personal space but you just wanted to let loose. Plus he was good looking.

"Y/N, don't look now but Jack looks like he's gonna kill you." Your friend whispered in your ear. You looked anyways.

Jack stood looking down at you from the section, gripping the railing, glaring at you like you're somehow disrespecting him.

"I'm not worried about Jack right now." With that, you went back to enjoying yourself.

The song finished and you were thirsty and sweaty from dancing in a hot club. You made your way back to the section with your friend hot on your heels. She thought she was gonna see some drama unfold.

Walking in, you were met with stares from everyone in the section. "What?" You sat down and called over the server.

"Yo," A yes man friend of Jack said looking at you. "You really gonna come to this get together, no cost and disrespect my man Jack like that?"

"What are you talking about?" You asked confused looking from him to Jack. His lap was empty so the girl had gone somewhere.

"I'm talking about you disrespecting Jack. I thought he was your friend."

"How am I disrespecting him?" Your temper started to slowly rise. "Matter of fact, Jack can speak for himself. He's a big boy." Looking at Jack who was massaging his chin, "Jack, how am I disrespecting you."

"I don't want to talk about this right now." He said getting up to walk somewhere, so you stood up with him. Something has clearly been bothering him to the point where it ruined his mood on his big night.

You stopped him by placing your hand on his chest, "No, we're gonna talk about it since you brought it up to your friends. They're questioning me now I'm questioning you."

Cat had his tongue or something because he wasn't talking. "Jack, you've been treating me wrong the past month but I'm being disrespectful somehow?"

He grabbed your elbow dragging you with him out the section and into the bathroom. He stood against the door with his hands in his pants pockets.

"Listen, I felt you were being disrespectful because I invited you out and you were dancing on some dude." What the fuck.

"Jack you literally had a girl on your lap not even ten minutes ago so what's the problem?" The audacity of this man standing in front of you. "Instead of pulling me aside in the first place, you're talking about me to your rent-a-friends."

"I apologize about that. I do. I shouldn't have said it out loud."

"Jack, what's the problem? You've been ignoring me for a month and then you're upset about me dancing on somebody. What's really bothering you?" You had to get to the bottom of this. The relationship you guys have as friends is unmatchable. You two always talked about your feelings about whatever and the fact he just closed you out really hurt your feelings.

"I like you, more than a friend. I noticed when I got upset when Gee tried to ask you out." He was talking about the rapper EST Gee. Yeah, he tried to ask you out but you politely declined because you weren't in the mood to date anyone.

"Why didn't you say anything then?"

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship over my feelings. So I distanced myself to see if I really liked you that way." Moving from the door, he walked closer to you, making you lift your head. "It didn't help, all it did was make me miss you."

"You really hurt my feelings, Jack. You just cut me off. You've been my friend for years, I thought we had the relationship where we didn't have secrets."

He brought you into a hug, rocking you side to side. Kissing the side of your face, he held for another second before letting go.

"I did really miss you. I didn't have anyone to cuss me out when I annoyed them. I need that back." You did miss cussing him out everyday. It was always the highlight after work.

"I forgive you."

"Thank you," He went silent. You knew there was a question on the tip of his tongue he was holding in. "What does this mean? I told you I liked you, do you like me?"

Did you like him like that? You did back in high school for a couple of months and again last year. Your feelings for him are off and on. Only because you thought he didn't like you back. The moment he confessed his feelings for you, you knew yours were on their way back.

"I do."

He brought you into a kiss, the first kiss between you guys, in the bathroom of a club. You weren't even worried about anyone walking in. All you cared about was him and the kiss.


I'm rewatching bad girls club and imagine Jack on a show like this. Lmao it would be pure comedy. Or any reality show.

Peace & Love ❤️

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