Childish Behaviors

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This is on the top of my favorite pictures of him. Idk, I think it's his legs lol.


"Don't come on my side of the room." Making a line with his foot on the carpet, Jack then placed pillows in the middle of the bed.

"The door is on that side, so I have to go on that side." He has been pissing you off all day today. First it was with him getting mad that you didn't cook him breakfast because he wasn't at home. Then, he cooked food and didn't clean up after himself. Lastly, you had a movie playing but a show he wanted to watch was about to come on so without even asking you, he just took the remote and changed the channel.

"You're being real childish right now, Jack. I don't know what your problem is but stop it." You sat with your legs under you, with a blanket over you.

"You're my problem, you've had an attitude since last night then you were being childish too by only cooking for yourself."

"You're a grown man, I don't have to cook for you." You're not his mom or servant.

"You know what, you're right. Since I pay the cable bill, I can watch the TV whenever I want." Removing your legs from under you, you threw the blanket off you. Oh, he wants to say what the other does and doesn't do.

"I bought all the furniture in this house, so get the fuck off my couch." Both of you were petty and never knew when to stop so you knew this was going to get crazy quick.

Jack stood up and sat on the floor. "Matter of fact, didn't I buy that shirt you have on? I want it back." You had on an old university shirt that Jack got while he was performing at a college.

Taking the shirt off, you threw it at his head. Only left in your sports bra.

"Those the earrings I got you for your birthday, take them out." For his birthday, you gifted him diamond earrings, cost a lot too.

"Take these fake ass earrings." He took them out and sat them on the console table. You snatched them up and put them in your sweat pocket. He suddenly stood up and made his way to the bedroom. Following him, you seen him going into your closet.

"I got you this, this, this, and this." He had two pairs of shoes, a purse and a Gucci shirt. Those were your favorite pairs of shoes, you were lowkey salty.

"Oh okay, we going in closets now." You made to you way to his.

"Don't touch my shit." He dropped all the stuff in his hands on the floor and went and blocked the door so you couldn't open it.

"Move! You went into my closet and took the stuff you got me, so I'm taking the stuff I got you." Pushing him, he lost his balance and fell on his ass. Sliding the door open, you went on the search for all the stuff you got him, only finding 3 things.

He got up off the floor and guided you back towards your closet.

"Stay on this side of the room." Walking back to his side, "Don't come on my side of the room." He made a straight line on the carpet with his foot. Jack then placed pillows in the middle of the bed.

"The door is on that side, so I have to go on that side." You went and took the pillows off his side of the bed and the comforter. "I got all this shit, all the blankets and pillows. Stay cold tonight."

"You better jump out that window if you want to leave this room." You went to walk out the room, not having time for this bullshit.

"Don't cross that line."

"Boy fuck you." You gave him the middle finger.

"You wish you could touch this luscious body." Pulling his shirt up, he rubbed down his stomach.

"I've seen better." You teased going to sit on the bed.

Blowing raspberries, he laughed at you. "That's a lie. I'm the best you've ever had. 'Jack take it out it's too big. Jack you're so sexy. Jack can I have your kids.' That's how you be sounding."

You threw a pillow at his head. "Yeah to make you feel better about yourself, with your 2 inch defeater."

"See now you being disrespectful. You didn't have to go there, Y/N." He looked like he was about to cry and you didn't know why, he knew he was bigger than 2 inches.

"Don't cry, you crybaby."

"I'm not crying, your breath just made my eyes water."

"Remember when I said you were my favorite rapper? I lied."

The both of you just went back and forth with insults that were childish and petty. Most of them not even making sense.

"Your team lost the All Star game by 50 points!"

"It was 14 and you know it!"

"Blah blah blah." Waving your hand around. You didn't care about the actual points.

"I'm about to call your mom on you, stop bullying me. I mean it." Your mother treated Jack like a son more than she treated you like a daughter.

"Now you being a rat, okay, 69."

"That's it," He took his phone and walked out the room, you hot on his trail. "Stop following me."

"You stop following me in front." In the kitchen, he dialed your mothers number and put it on speaker. She answered way nicer than what she would've did with you.

"Mom, Y/N has been being mean to me all day. First, she let me starve, then she yelled at me and then she took over my TV." She was really entertaining his mess.

"Tell that girl to leave my baby alone. She knows you're sensitive."

"Thank you, mom. I'll tell her. Bye, love you too." He hung up with a huge smile on his. You just walked away.


I got the "stop following me in front" from bobs burgers. love that show lol

Idk bout y'all but there are times i do petty n childish stuff. ik i need to work on myself but i won't.

Peace & Love ❤️

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