New House Part Two

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A part two of this imagine was asked for. Me being a horror movie fan, it's kind of hard writing horror. Idk how people do it.


You stayed on that bed, tear stained cheeks, unable to move an inch until the sun came up. Even then you didn't want to move, afraid the thing would drag you under the bed.

Not knowing where it was or why it disappeared after taking Jack but you had a feeling it wasn't really gone, only waiting for your next move.

Getting the courage, you stood on the bed. Your eyes were on the slightly opened door. You tan towards the door and made the mistake of looking back when you heard bones cracking. The white eyes peeking at you from under the bed.

You screamed running out the room, you felt it right behind you. Taking the corner to go down the stairs, you got pushed. Landing with a thud, you tried to catch your breath. Getting up with a groan you stumbled towards the front door.

The door wouldn't open so you went to go try the back door. It didn't budge either. Windows seemed like they were glued shut. You heard the nails scrapping against the stairs as they walked down.

Only place left to try was the basement. Only exploring it once during the tour, the feelings you got from the basement then should've told you not to buy the house.

Going into the basement, the lights wouldn't turn on. Leaving only the sun shining into the basement guide you to the window.

"Come over here," You heard a voice say behind. "Here, in the corner." Looking in the far corner behind you, you didn't see anyone. "Don't be scared."

You heard feet hitting the pavement, walking out of the corner. You rotated back toward the window shutting your eyes tightly. Maybe if you ignored it, it'd go away. The pitter patter made you look back at the corner.

A face started to emerge from the darkness, it smiled a sinister smile at you.

A face started to emerge from the darkness, it smiled a sinister smile at you

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It just stood there not moving from the spot it resided.

Jack was heavy on your mind right now. You wished he was here to comfort you. Why did they take him and not you? They gave him the easy way out it seemed.

The little window in the basement wouldn't open either, you were officially trapped in this house. Running back up the stairs, thing two stood at the bottom of the stairs still in the same spot. The smile never leaving it's face.

You ran into the study that's off by the kitchen. Locking the double doors, you pushed the desk to block the door.

Finally being able to catch your breath, you felt safe for the first time since last night.

Knocking on the door startled you. "Who is it?" You asked walking to place your eat against the door. You heard someone breathing heavily.

"Me, Jack." It sounded like Jack but you weren't sure if it was actually him. These things could alter their voice for all you knew. "Open the door baby. I'm here to save you."

"What's my favorite color?"

"Just open the door."

"Jack, what's my favorite color?" You started backing up from the door the longer Jack took to answer you.

"Pink." A cry escaped you lips, pink wasn't your favorite color. Jack knew that.

"Open the door, Y/N!" Bang. "Open the damn door!" He yelled.

"Leave me alone!" You slid down the wall hiding your head in your arms. The banging stopped and it was quiet. That's when you heard movement from inside the walls.


Listen, I'm sorry it's not longer but I spent over an hour on it. The longest i've spent on any imagine. I kept getting stuck. So sorry, don't kill me.

Peace & Love ❤️

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