Breakfast In Bed

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"I served you breakfast in bed, i woke yous up priscilla!" - Judi aka i got the voodo for you bitches.

this was requested. (:


You knew this morning was going to be eventful when you felt Jacks morning wood against your butt when you woke up. This could either go two ways, you could get up for the day or stay in bed and grind against it. Any sane person would pick the latter so that's what you did so you could wake him up.

Slowly you started to rub your butt against it and you felt him jerk a little. After doing it for about two minutes, you started to get impatient.

"Jack, wake up!" Opening one eye with his head still buried in the pillow, he waited for you to tell him why you woke him up. "Let's have sex."

His other eye popped open and he moved to his back with a smile on his face. Under the covers, he started to pull his boxers down and threw them on the floor.

"Ready whenever you are." Jacks voice when he has just woken up is so sexy, if you wasn't turned on before, you were now.

"Dang, can we brush our teeth first." Getting up with a grunt, he made his way to the bathroom. Dick hard and pointing outward. This guy had no shame.

When you were done, Jack was laying back in the bed with no covers blocking your view this time. He was stroking his member watching you start to undress. Starring at it, you were always amazed at how he got it to fit inside you.

"Come here," Walking to him you stood on the side of the bed. You had woken him for sex and you're being shy. "Sit on my face."

Throwing your leg over his body, you gripped the headboard before lowering yourself over his face. Grabbing your thighs, he pulled you all the way down and started leaving kisses against you.

"Jack stop playing with me." Now isn't the time to be teasing.

Flicking his tongue against your clit, he smiled when you tried to push against his tongue more.

"Stop moving or I'll stop."


"Please what?" He wanted you to beg at 10:14am. You regretted waking him up now.

"Jack," Sucking on your clit slowly, he waited for you to give him instructions. "Do the thing I like."

Bringing you closer to his face, he started sucking harder. Grinding against his tongue. He switched from sucking to licking.

You were a moaning mess. With your head thrown back, Jack reached up to play with your breast.

"I'm so close," You moaned gripping his hair tight in your fingers.

Hearing that made him start to finger you. "Come for me." A second later, you were cumming on his face. He continued to suck your clit until you forced yourself up from his face on wobbly legs.

Jack found his shirt and wiped his face. Pre cum was sliding down his dick when you took a glance at it. "You just gonna stare or what," Looking back up, he had caught you. With his hands behind his head, he waited for your next move.

Getting on your knees, you got in position and took him inside you.

"Fuck, you're so wet." He moaned placing his hands under your thighs to help you bounce. The extra help was greatly appreciated because your legs were burning already. "So good." Closing his eyes, he took his bottom lip into his mouth.

You had stopped bouncing and went to rocking back and forth.

"Get up," Sliding off, you sat beside him and watched as he stood from the bed. Taking your ankle into his hand, he pulled you to the edge of the bed.

Rubbing his tip against you, he slowly inched his way back inside of you. His pace started out slow.

Deep stroking was your favorite because you felt every inch of him slide in and out. Running from him was the only think on your mind but he made it hard since he was holding you in place.

"Jack, baby, I can't," Sitting up on your elbows, you watched as his dick disappeared and reappeared.

"Look at you making a mess." His thrusting started to pick up.

You thought placing your feet on his chest would slow him down but he only removed them.

"You woke me up so take it." He leaned down and started kissing you.

"I'm sorry." You didn't even know why you were apologizing. Jack just has it like that. You weren't sorry for waking him up and he knew that.

You felt your orgasm rising again and pulled him to you so his weight was on you. "Don't stop." You moaned.

His pace didn't change. With him moaning in your ear and holding your hand, your back lifted off the bed a little when your orgasm hit you hard.

"Fuck, Jack." He was close himself when you felt him grow inside you and his strokes started to st-st-stutter. "Come in me."

With a loud moan, you felt him start to release in you. After a couple of seconds he pulled out and watched as it slid out of you.

Going to go get a rag, he came back and wiped you down. "You used me." Jack said throwing the rag in the dirty clothes hamper.

"No I didn't." You were feeling sore so you didn't want to get up just yet.

"Woke me up for sex, didn't say thank you." Here he go being dramatic again. Laying down next to you, he hugged you. "I just want a hug sometimes, something to show me you care."


Idk i tried okay!! if there's any mistakes, i apologize. no i don't.

my terms n conditions book by lauren asher got here today. so i'm gonna start reading it soon. plus i finally fixed my PC so i can start writing on it again.

writing sex scenes are so hard. so many times i wanted to make jokes about stuff but couldn't, had to keep it professional.

like i never rode anyones face, i was just making shit up. hopefully it sounded realistic.

 hopefully it sounded realistic

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Peace & Love ❤️

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