Make It Better

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This is dedicated to my girlies who get depressed and don't want to leave the bed for a couple of days. I love you, stay safe.


You knew it was coming back when the dirty clothes started to pile up, you hardly ate and slept the day away. It was just so hard to get up and get moving so you stayed in bed for the last two days. Only eating when Jack, your boyfriend brought a plate of food to you.

"Here, eat all of it too." He was so understanding about your sudden mood changes, he didn't like seeing you so down and out. "I'm going to run a bath for you, so hurry up."

"Jack, please. I just want to be alone." Cutting people off is what you did without noticing it. That's probably why it was so hard to keep friends. Going weeks to months without talking to them, never had any good excuses besides saying you were going through something's. Some understood, others didn't.

Jack never left your side though. He was so patient with you. Kissing your head, he walked into the bathroom getting your bath ready.

You slowly ate your food starring at the black screen of the TV. Only able to eat half the plate, you placed it on the nightstand. Going under the cover, you hoped Jack would think you were sleeping so he'd leave you alone.

Minutes later, the cover was gently snatched off the bed. "You didn't even try to eat the food."

You ignored him covering your face with your arm. "Come on, let me bathe you. I know you're tired of wearing the same clothes." Yes you were but you never had the energy to get up and shower and you love taking showers.

Slowly you sat up on the bed. "That's my girl, now stand up." He helped you stand up. The last time you got out the bed was yesterday afternoon and that was to use the bathroom.

Walking you to the bathroom, he helped you undress and then helped you get in the bubble bath. The warm water soothing your aching bones. "Feels good huh? I put some bath salts in it."

You just sat in the water soaking it all in. Jack got a rag and poured your body wash on it, washing you up like you were a baby. "Jack, I can wash myself."

"Yeah but I want to do it." Grabbing you a towel, he wrapped you in it. He also made sure you brushed your teeth. "I'm going to pick out your clothes for you." You sat on the bed watching him go through your drawers. Pulling out undergarments, sleeping pants and an old shirt. Next he went to go get your lotion and deodorant.

You applied the deodorant yourself but he wanted to lotion you up. After the clothes were on, you were about to get back under the covers.

"Let's watch a movie in the living room." He suggested, pulling you out the room.

"I want to sleep."

"You can sleep on the couch." He got covers out from under the ottoman and threw them on the couch, still holding your hand, he pulled you into the kitchen.

"Let's make popcorn together." You appreciated him doing this for you. To others, it wouldn't look like a lot but to you it meant the world. He was slowly pulling you out of your episode.

When the movie was over, Jack wanted to get started on cleaning the room and doing the laundry. You helped of course. The water bottles he gave you almost every hour were all scattered along the floor. Most of them still full.

"Take the bed stuff off too." You pulled the sheets off the mattress and threw them on the floor. Jack went and got the extra ones out the closet. "Help me put these on."

The room was finally clean, Jack opened the curtains and light was shining into the room for the first time in days.

With a candle lit, clothes in the washer, you sat next to Jack on the couch. Voluntarily this time. He brought you into his arms and laid your head on his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


FIN! Just a little short something something. I hope someone appreciates this. Depression is a fucked up thing, there's no telling when it'll let you go. I know what depression consist of, the not bathing for days, staying in bed, not eating, not staying hydrated, the dark thoughts. Just know i'm here if anyone ever needs to vent. It doesn't go away in a day but there's a lot of things that can be done to get you closer to getting back to normal. Remember that. Take your time.

Peace & Love ❤️

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