College Four

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People have been asking for me to turn this series into a book. I can try.


The tapping from Jacks pen was driving you crazy, so crazy you almost called him out his name a couple of times. He was studying and so were you but you wasn't tapping your pen obnoxiously. First, he woke you up with his music blasting, then he left the bathroom floor wet with water which resulted with you almost falling on your ass.

"Stop it," He looked up at you and only slowed the tapping down. "Please stop tapping, I can't concentrate."

"My bad, it's a habit." Looking back at your notes, you forgot where you were. Science was never your favorite subject and in college, it just seems way harder. "Want to go get food when we're done?"


"I like when you do that."

"Do what?" You seen him sitting back in his desk chair with his arms folded studying you.

"When you be so focused, you stick your tongue out a little, it's cute." That was new information to you, you never noticed that before and no one has ever pointed it out until today.

Jack has been complimenting you a lot lately and being overly nice. The other day you walked into the room with a new hair style and Jack jumped up from his bed hyping you up. Then yesterday, he got you food without you asking and today he wants to get food. You didn't know what he was up to with always making sure you were fed but you wasn't complaining.

"I didn't notice I did that." You had to stop yourself from asking what else has he noticed because you wasn't sure if you'd be ready for his answers. "I'm almost done then we can go."

"Alright, I was thinking Chick Fil A." It's like he knows you like the back of his hand, it's low-key scary.

Finishing up, you placed all your papers back in their folders and locked your iPad.

It's been a week since your almost date with Sid and he's been ignoring you even in class. It doesn't seem like he told Rita because she wasn't acting different towards you.

You tried to talk to him in class, he moved seats. Your text weren't getting delivered and your calls were going straight to voicemail. It didn't make any sense how this one thing got him acting this way, it was annoying and you were tired of it. Kissing his ass wasn't about to be apart of your college history.

Chick Fil A was a six minute walk from the dorms so there wasn't any point in driving and wasting gas. Jack took big steps because he had long legs, so while he looked like he was walking slow, you were pushing your legs to keep up with him.

Making it to the building, he held the door open for you. "Ladies first." Giving him a thanks, you walked in and it was packed. "Go save us a seat and I'll order." Finding an empty table in the corner, it still had trash on it. Why don't people ever clean up after themselves, it's annoying. After the table was clean enough for you, you sat down.

"It's gonna be a while," Jack sat across from you with the ticket in his hand. "You'd think it's crack in their food." He looked around the room counting all the people. "Damn, they deep in here. I counted 30 people so far."

"Well it is a Friday, so I'm honestly not surprised." Hearing a familiar laugh had you looking to your right. Sid was sitting with a girl you've never seen before with his arm around her.

Was she why he acted like you didn't exist, if that was the case. That's all he had to say.

"He still being childish?" Jack asked following your eye sight.

"Yeah but it's cool. I'm over it." Looking away you hopped on your phone to past the time. You knew it was going to be awhile.

Moving from the seat across from you, Jack sat in the seat next to you.

"What are you doing?"

"Just wanted to keep my eyes on the counter for when my name gets called." Placing his arm on the back of your chair, he started to whistle.

"You're acting weird." You knew he was up to something but didn't know what.

"Wassup Y/N, wassup Jack." Sid appeared in front of the table looking between you and Jack. After ignoring you for a week, he decides now he wants to talk.

"Hey man." Jack said placing the arm on your shoulder making Sid follow the movement.

"Y'all a thing or something?"

"Yeah, she my little boo thang or whatever." Smiling he pecked your cheek quickly.

"Order for Jack is up!" The cashier yelled making him go get the food.

"Does he know you agreed to a date with me last week?"

The shock from Jack saying you're his boo thang and then kissing your cheek still had you in daze. You almost forgot Sid was there.

"He's the reason I wasn't able to make it." Poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, he made a sound then walked back to his table. He came over there to start something but it back fired on him.

Jack sat back in his original seat and placed the tray on the table. He got a sandwich, nuggets, fries and the macaroni and cheese plus a milk shake. He always ate a lot but never gained weight, it wasn't far.

"Thanks for the food."

"My pleasure."


I've been working on this for like 6 days. so sorry if it didn't make sense 😂 fuck sid tho

If you guys really do want this to turn into a book, i'll literally work on the cover art today and choose the main character and stuff.

Peace & Love ❤️

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