Keep Me Warm

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Trying something new. Idk if you guys are into to this but I KNOW some of you are so enjoy ;)


Jack was busy writing music in the home studio to pay attention to you. You've been aching for him for the past hour and he just wasn't trying to leave the studio. You thought if he didn't have time to have sex, he at least had time to let you keep him warm while he wrote.

"All you have to do is let me sit on it while you write." You said standing in-front of him playing with the strings on your shorts.

He quirked his eyebrow and dropped his pen. Standing up he pulled down his sweats and boxers to let his semi hard dick appear. "I really need to focus so I don't need you trying to hump me, just keep me warm." He said after he sat back down.

You happily slipped your shorts and panties off and kicked them to the side. Getting closer to him, he patted his lap. Throwing one leg over him, he gently lifted you up so you were hovering over him. You reached down to line him up with your entrance and sunk down.

"Mhm," He moaned closing his eyes.

You smiled up at him before getting comfortable. Jack pulled you closer to him so your head was laying on top of his shoulder. He then got back to writing.

You will never get used to the way he feels inside you, he stretches you out so good. How he was mumbling out words and writing them down while being inside you amazed you. Any other time he would've gave you want you wanted but finishing this album had all his focus right now.

Rolling your hips against him to relieve yourself came to mine, you sneakily moved your hips a little.

"What I say?" That was short lived because he grabbed your hips to stop you from moving.

"Not to hump you." How did he expect you to remain in one place while he was throbbing inside you.

"And that's exactly what you're doing if you're not going to listen to me, you can get off." He said not doing anything to get off him.


Yes, I know it's short. Didn't know what else to write lmao. Just wanted to try it. DONT JUDGE ME.

Is anyone into cock warming? Where the girl just sits on the penis to keep it warm? I wouldn't say I am but i guess it was different to write.

Peace & Love ❤️

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