Rainy Day

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When I get a boyfriend, this is exactly how I'm going to act. prepare to be SICK of me.


"Let me hold it while you pee."

"Go for it."

You were in the bathroom with Jack while he was about to take a piss and you always wanted to hold it while he pee'd but never knew how to ask. It was raining today and neither you or Jack wanted to leave the house.

He pulled his shorts down and motioned for you to grab it, taking it into your hand, you aimed to the toilet bowl. When he started peeing, it was a new experience for you. You started swinging it to see the pee make a zigzag.

"Stop playing with it, weirdo," Slapping your hand away, he finished and wiped with a wet wipe. You washed your hands and he washed his after. "That was your first and last time."

"I don't care. I just wanted to see what it was like." Now that you did, you scratched that off your bucket list.

Bored was an understatement of what you were feeling. You already watched everything it seemed, scrolled all through TikTok twice today, been on YouTube, etc. What else was there to do.

Nothing but to annoy your boyfriend and that's exactly what you were going to do.

"Jack, let's make a fort," Grabbing sheets and throw blankets from the hallway closet, you took them into the living room and threw them on the floor. "Get up, I want to use the cushions."

"I'm trying to watch this game."

"You can watch it under the fort." Liking that idea, he got up and helped you take off all the cushions.

"Let's make it big, I want my own room." He sat the cushions up into a square. Taking a king sized sheet, you threw it over the penthouse fort.

"Go get the pillows from the guest room, I see my vision." Putting your thinking cap on, you imagined how you wanted the fort to look. Yes, it's looking good now to just bring it to life.

Jack finally came back with all the pillows and he took it upon himself to grab the comforter off the guest bed. "Jack, we don't need that thick ass comforter, it's gonna weigh the cushions down."

"I want it so I got it."

"Okay now if it mess all our hard work up, you're fixing it by yourself."

"That's fine. I'm doing all the work now." Jerking your head, you gave him the look that made him be quiet.

"You're lying and you know it."

Laying the comforter on the floor instead of over, he looked at you for an apology. Which you didn't give. "Stop assuming."

"Stop assuming," You mocked him in a girly voice, "Shut up."

"That's it, you can't stay in my fort anymore." He pushed you out and closed the curtain. "Come back in five business days, I'll probably be home."

"You can't kick me out of my fort!"

"Just did."

Gojira had nothing on you. You stomped all through the fort making sure to kick Jack and step on him a few times. How was he going to take over your idea and just kick you out like a lousy one night stand?

"Why you always got to be childish?" Jack asked peeking his head from under the sheets.

"You started it." Going to the kitchen, you got a water bottle because being childish was a workout. What else can you do for the rest of the day with him, maybe bake, deep clean the house, movie marathon. Not knowing where to start, you just went and sat on the fallen cushions next to him.

"Yaga!" Water splattered all over you and the cushions when Jack slammed a pillow to the back of your head.

"You son of a-" He ran out the room and hid somewhere.

Filling a pillow case with your shoes came to mind but it was just a thought. Going to jail for murder wouldn't completely cure your boredom.

"Jack when I find you I am going to emasculate you!" You chased after him. He could be in the bedroom, guest room, closet, bathroom. Damn, instead of wasting energy looking for him you came up with the plan to make him wait. You can build your fort and watch your show while he's hiding.

Turning around, you went to go out the fort back together.

Twenty minutes later, Jack reappeared. WooLa.

"So you just wasn't going to seek me?" Munching on your popcorn, you glanced at him then back at the TV. "After I knocked your head in between your legs?"

"You snuck me like a punk." Crawling back into the fort, you closed the curtain and locked it with a hair tie.


I finished terms n conditions in under 24 hours, that's how good it is. i recommend it.

sorry this isn't longer i've been working on this for the last 4 days and just wanted to finally post it.

sorry this isn't longer i've been working on this for the last 4 days and just wanted to finally post it

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my lock screen n home screen. the girl is jinx from arcane. good show.

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