College Three

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Sometimes when I look at pictures of Jack the thought to tuck him in bed and read him bedtime stories pop in my head. I'm jk...


Sid jogged up to catch up to you. That class was over and you didn't want to go back to the dorm incase they weren't done being grown.

"Y/N, want to go bowling tonight?" Sid asked when he finally caught up.

"Sure, did you invite Rita too?" Scratching his head, he shook his head no.

"I was hoping it could be just us two, like as a date," It sounded like a question to both you and Sid. He wasn't an ugly dude plus he had a good personality. You just didn't know he looked at you that way.

"Oh, okay. That's fine. What time were you thinking?" Telling you 8, he hugged you and ran to go catch up with some other friends.

Really hoping Jack was done, you wanted to take a nap so bad.

You: Hey, is it all clear?

Jack H.: Yea

The dorm smelled of the air freshener that's in the bathroom. Taking your shoes off, you walked into the room. Jack was laying on his bed going through his phone.

"How was your class?" Holding your finger up, you told him to wait a second. Grabbing your pjs, you went to go change in the bathroom.

"It was cool. I have a sort of date tonight." Jacks phone slipped out his hand and smack the bridge of his nose. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Rubbing his nose he tossed his phone away from him. "Who asked you out."

"Sid," Hearing that name made him roll his eyes. Sid, the same Sid that's full of shit. Who the fuck laughs as much as him and he had too many friends. Jack didn't trust him. "He's taking me bowling. Anyways, what happened with you and your company?"

"I blocked her."

Sitting up from your bed, you looked at Jack with wide eyes.

"Why would you do that?"

"She was being disrespectful."

"About what?"

"Don't even worry about it, plus she wasn't my type anyways." Setting your alarm for 7 o'clock, you started to drift to sleep. The date heavy on your mind.

You jumped awake and looked at the time on your phone, 10:15pm. You had miss calls and text from Sid. Only one standing out.

Siddy: If you didn't want to go out that's all you had to say.

You noticed your phone was on silent mode and the alarm was turned off. Slapping Jack on the arm to wake him up, he was the only person who could've sabotaged your phone.

"Jack! Did you mess with my phone?"

"I thought that was my phone." He smiled rotating in his bed to look at you.

"It's not funny. Sid thinks I stood him up." You dialed Sids number but he didn't answer. "Ugh, why would you do that?"

"Because I know Sid, he isn't good enough for you." Sitting back on your bed, you let the words go in one ear and out the other. Sulking was the only thing on your mind.

"He was the first person to ask me out since school started." As embarrassing as it was, you did start to get sad. You were really excited about the date and Jack just ruined it.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." Dragging your cover off the bed, you grabbed your phone and walked out the room. Leaving Jack to feel like a Jackass.

"Y/N you're being dramatic." He took sight of you balled up on the couch with the cover over your whole body. "Come back to the room."

"No. Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, okay? Just come back to the room." When you didn't move, he knew what he had to say to make you get off the couch. "That's where we had sex."

Like your ass was on fire, you jumped up from the couch.

"I lied, now walk your ass back into the room." Incase he wasn't lying, you dragged your cover to the corner of the room. That's where you were going to sleep tonight.

"Jack, just leave me alone. Not only does he think I stood him up, I probably lost a friend too and you don't even care." Rita would probably drop you as a friend also because her and Sid were friends for years.

"I'll talk to him if that'll make you feel better." It did make you feel a tiny bit better.

"Okay now leave me alone." Hearing his footsteps walk back to the room, you took the cover off your head so you could breathe better. A second later, Jack walked back out with his cover in hand. "What are you doing?" You deadpanned.

"Sleeping with my roommate?" Laying next to you, he placed the cover over himself.

"I wasn't going to sleep, I just woke up!" So goodbye.

"Let's watch some Netflix then. I'll keep you company until you get sleepy." Knowing Jack, you knew you wouldn't be able to talk him out of this.

In the middle of Hairspray, you asked the question that's been sitting on your tongue since you semi forgave him.

"Did you really have sex with her on the couch because you know my momma brought me this couch." He laughed but you were dead serious.

"Nah, we didn't have sex at all." He admitted keeping his eyes on Tracy Turnblad.


"She was being disrespectful, okay, that's all you need to know." Taking his word for it, you two continued to watch the movie in silence.


What's your favorite song from Hairspray? Mine are Run and Tell That and I Can Hear The Bells.

I was joking about the bedtime stories thing I swear.

Peace & Love ❤️

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