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I DO NOT condone cheating AT ALL.
Leave your morals at the door while reading this. 😈 I tapped into my inner Tristian Thompson.


"Babe, want to go get some food?" Your boyfriend of two years asked.

You hurried and closed Instagram when he walked into the room. "I can't, Sky wants to go out." That's been your cover up the past three months.

"You went out with her last night. I want to spend time with my girlfriend." His puppy dog face almost made you fold. Almost.

"Aw, baby. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Her boyfriend has been cheating on her and she just wants to clear her mind." Kissing his lips, you proceeded to get ready for your night out with Sky.

The truth was, her boyfriend has been cheating on her, with you. You also wasn't meeting Sky. You were meeting Jack, her boyfriend of one year in a dark parking lot.

All it was, was sex. Nothing more.

Everyday you asked yourself why are you sneaking around for sex when you can get it from your boyfriend. He just doesn't fuck you the way Jack does. The truth hurts.

The way the affair started is rooted deep in your brain, you'll never forget it. It was the most disrespectful, nasty thing you've ever done in your entire life. You still cover your face in shame when you get flashbacks.

Jack or you didn't care about hurting the people you were in the relationship with. You had to put yourself first, and you did. Every time.

It started from you having movie night at Sky's place because Jack was out of town. He ended up coming home early while you were dressed in your Pjs, a cropped top and tight boxers.

Wasn't until Sky fell asleep and you got thirsty. You ended up in the kitchen and Jack walked in a moment later.

You've never dressed this way around any man besides your boyfriend.

"Damn. I didn't know you had it like that." He was checking you out. While his girlfriend was sleeping in the other room.

"Um," You nervously looked around.

"I just mean, you're always wearing those baggy clothes. Never knew you had a body." He came to stand next to you while your eyes still moved around the room. "Are you sure that lame can handle you?"

He was referring to your boyfriend. He was a lame, but he was your lame.

"He does quite well for himself, thank you." He scooted even closer to you so his hand was touching yours.

"How many times does he make you cum?" You were flabbergasted. You don't talk about sex with anyone besides Sky.

"That's none of your concern, Jack!"

"I bet I can make you cum more." He got behind you and pressed against you. "How about I start and you count?"

Your well power was quickly disappearing when you felt him against you. "Oh, what am I doing?" You questioned out loud, not moving from Jack's thrusting hips.

"Being a slut, that's what you're doing. Now bend over." You listened and bent over over the counter. You felt him start to pull your boxers down. "Does being called a slut turn you on?"

Ignoring him, you waited for his next move. Your boyfriend wasn't into the name calling but it was one of your dirty secrets.

You felt his tip start to enter you, you grabbed onto the counter for support. "Don't forget to count."

You'll never forget that day. When you fucked your friends boyfriend against her kitchen counter with her sleeping soundly a room over.

It didn't stop there, Jack had a thing for having sex where he could be walked in on. It was slowly becoming your thing too.

In the shower while Sky was doing her Makeup. In the bathroom during the double date. You couldn't get enough of him.

Today he messaged you on his burner Instagram account telling you to meet him in the parking lot behind Walmart when they close.

That's where you were on your way now. With Summer Walkers Anna Mae playing from your speakers.

"We'll have our cake and eat it too,"


Okay, short imagine lol. I couldn't go on, I WAS DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF. Idk how ppl cheat.

Jack seems like the type to not care about being someone's sneaky link tho.

I made him sound like a HOE!

Peace & Love ❤️

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