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Has everyone read all 28 imagines? Looks like a lot of them have been skipped. That happens to me when I read books, I swipe at the end of a chapter and it skips like 5 of them. Childish Behaviors has over 400 reads and it's at the end so i'm just confused.


The arguing from you and boyfriend woke your neighbor Jack up for the third time this week. Banging on the wall from his neighbor had your boyfriend yelling out. "If your pussy ass got a problem with us, do something." He was foaming at the mouth, first his girlfriend went through his phone and seen text messages between him and a girl, now his neighbor grew a pair of balls it seemed.

"If you didn't give her your number then how did she get it?" You kept asking the question he always found a way to avoid answering.

Sucking his teeth, he walked away from you. "I don't have to answer to you. I pay the bills."

"Andre, I just want you to tell the truth for once. Are you sleeping with her?" Andre was getting annoyed at the questions. He truly believed he didn't owe you an explanation.

"Yes, damn! Is that what you want to hear? Yes, I fucked the girl. Are you happy now?" The whole floor and the floors beneath and above you were wide awake with popcorn in their hands listening to you two.

"You son of a bitch." You went to put him in a headlock, flopping around in your arms looking like a fish out of water.

"Get off me, get off me! Help! Someone help. She's choking me." He screamed out trying to get out of the hold you had on him. You wanted to kill him. You were trying to kill him. Someone knocked on the door but you weren't going to open it. Today isn't the day to play captain save a hoe.

"Help!" Andre cried out again. The knocking got louder, letting him fall you went to go greet Andres savior.

"What do you want?" Your neighbor Jack stood on the other side looking pissed off.

"I want you and Tina Turner to shut the hell up. It's 3am, people got work." Was he calling you Ike? The disrespect.

Your face got soft with the information, you were so blinded by rage you forgot what time it was. "I'm sorry, Jack."

"It's okay, I don't blame you. It's always the screaming goat being loud." Andre was still rubbing his now sore neck when he heard the shade that was thrown at him.

"What your bitch ass say?" He now stood looking up at Jack in the doorway.

"Andre you don't want these problems, I'm telling you. Go back inside." What he do? Walked his ass back inside. Andre was just a shit talker and everyone knew that. That didn't stop him from mumbling to himself while he walked away.

Now it was just you and Jack again.

"Y/N, why you always putting up with his ass?" Jack thought you deserved better. He's been the neighbor for two years now. Always in ear sight of the arguments and sometimes in eye sight when Andre would want to get buck while people were around. "He doesn't do anything but cry and shit."

"I know but I'm all he has, we've been together since we were 16." A bunch of bullshit, Jack thought looking at you.

"Get it together, Y/N. You're a beautiful woman, you can get anyone you want. Why are you settling for Pinky? You can do better." I can be what you need.

You thought it over. You are beautiful and you did deserve more. If Andre didn't care to work on the relationship and treat you right, you'll find someone that does.

"You're right, Jack. Thank you." You really meant it. Being so blind in love had you thinking Andre was all there was and he isn't.

"You're welcome and if you ever need anything, you know where to find me." You closed the door and went to go look for Andre.

Jack Harlow Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now