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"I can't wait to live with my shawty and argue about stupid shit like why I eat her yogurt when I said I didn't like it at the grocery store."


Jack was eating your yogurt without a care in the world for the third time. Five came in the pack and you've only had one so far.

He always made sure to eat it when you were out the house so you couldn't stop him.

It wasn't the fact he ate it that made you upset, it was the fact he says it's disgusting and makes faces towards it when you're around but then turn around and eat it when you're not looking.

"I didn't eat them, I threw it out. There was some bumps in that shit." Jack said walking into the kitchen after you called him in to question him about the missing yogurt.

"Jackman, that was the damn fruit!" you explained putting your hand up to your forehead. You were about the choke the hell out of him.

"My bad, I was just trying to protect you from getting sick." With that, he walked back to where he was before.

Your mood started to die down so you got the last yogurt and made a plan to go get more tomorrow. Throwing the lid in the trash, you caught sight of an empty yogurt container. "I know damn well," After picking it out the trash, you placed it on a piece of paper towel and sat it on the counter for evidence. "Jack! Get in here!"

"What is it no-" He walked in and seen you standing next to the evidence with your arms crossed.

"I found this in the trash. Empty. Looks like you even scraped the sides." All he could do was look at you. "You said you didn't like it at the store."

"Yeah, that was until one day I got hungry and tried it." Jack admitted placing his hands on the counter around you.

"You could've at least replaced them!" Pinching his side, you pushed him aside to get a spoon.

You started to eat your last yogurt while he watched.

"Can I have some?"



"Because you already had one today." Jack snatched your yogurt our your hand and ran out the kitchen.

You ran after him and he locked himself in the room. You heard him smacking behind the door. He was being loud on purpose.

"Jack, I really wanted that yogurt." You whined hitting the door. A second later, the door opened and there stood Jack with the yogurt in his hand uneaten. He handed it back to you. "Thank you, baby."

"I'm gonna go buy me and you a pack tomorrow. You better not eat my yogurt when you see mine is better than yours."

"You owe me three out of your pack so you better buy yourself two." You wasn't waiting for a response when you walked away.

A couple of hours later, you were sitting on the couch watching a show on Netflix that everyone has been talking about. Jack walked in from the studio that was in the basement.

"What we watching?" He laid down so his head was on your lap.

"All of Us Are Dead, it's Korean zombie show. It's good so far." Jack doesn't do horror stuff. A scary movie or show will never be his first pick.

"That's what's up," Kicking his house shoes off, he pushed you down so you were laying down. He crawled up so he was laying on top of you. Placing his head on your boobs, he gave his attention to the TV while you started to play in his hair while watching the show.

"Man, they got the fast zombies. They're fucked."

During episode three, Jack started tearing up when the girl wiped the zombies blood in the boys cut so he'd turn. You wouldn't have known if you didn't feel the tear drop onto your boob.

"Are you crying?"

"Man, yeah. That was fucked up what she did." He wiped his tears then got up from laying on you. "If that was me, I would've only targeted her."

"Me too," Jack looked like he was really going through it over that scene. Eyes red and puffy. "The fact she tried to victim blame is what threw me off."

"If I was Cheong-san, I would've gave her one of these." Then he got up and started punching the air. "Then one of these." He then started stomping the ground.

"I'm sure she's gonna get her karma." You said laughing at his antics.

"Nah, some of the villains in these shows don't be getting their karma." He was correct right there. But you hoped the girl in the show really got her karma.

"From now on, we're watching this show so you can't watch it without me." Jack demanded laying back down on you. "And if I find out you watched it without me, we're gonna have a problem."


Just a mini imagine. I was going through my pictures and seen a screenshot I took on tumblr like in 2014 with that quote lol. I imagined Jack being the guy in that scenario lol.

But who has read Tupacs poem to Jada? I've been thinking about writing an imagine based off that poem. Would anyone like that?

Peace & Love ❤️

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