Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday to Jackman Thomas Harlow!! It's funny how my last imagine took place at a bowling alley and that's where his party was.


"All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe!" Jack was in the middle of a group of people while rapping along to Birthday Song by 2 Chainz. Tonight was his night and he was living it up. He had his close friends and family and his girlfriend Y/N celebrating his day with him.

"Bad bitch contest you in first place." Y/N started twerking on Jack to the beat in the circle and everyone started to record them, blocking the sight from his older family members.

Even though he was tipsy, he was still keeping up with her movements. With a hand holding onto a side of a her hip and the other one waving round and throwing up random hand signs.

When the song was over, Y/N dragged Jack off to get some water, she was thirsty and she felt like he needed some after drinking nothing but alcoholic beverages.

The thing about Jack is that when he drinks, he gets horny. Up at the bar, he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

"Let's go to the bathroom," He whispered into Y/N's ear while she waved the bartender down. "I need help with my zipper." Looking around the place, he looked for the bathroom. He didn't want water right now, he wanted Y/N.

"Jack, you need to drink water." He wasn't trying to hear none of that. He knew what he needed and it wasn't water. Placing his arm around her lower back, he guided her away from the bar and towards the bathroom sign he spotted. No one noticed the couple sneak off because Bryson started singing.

Stepping into the bathroom, Jack blocked the door with the garage can. Even though the door was push out and not push in, he was too tipsy to even notice. Y/N stood in the middle of the bathroom waiting for his next move. "You dancing on me got me hard as fuck right now." Walking to her he pulled her into him, his hands finding a place on her hips. "Let me put the tip in."

"Jack whenever you say that, it's never just the tip." Y/N knew to never believe him when he said that but she never had a problem with it because she always want more than the tip.

"I mean it this time, we can't be missing for too long." Backing away, he started to unzip his pants. When they were finally down, Y/N was able to see his print through his black boxers. He wasn't lying about being hard, with the way he had it positioned, the tip was sticking out from the bottom of his boxers.

Foreplay wasn't needed nor was it an option, Y/N has been turned on since Jack whispered in her ear. The only position to do the quickie in was her bending over the sink. All she had to do as pull her skirt up.

Rubbing his dick with his hand, the other one held Y/N down over the sink. "Damn you wet, I haven't even done anything yet."

"Shut up." Feeling her cheeks get warm, she looked away from the mirror.

"Look at me." She met his eyes in the mirror. He wanted to be able to see her face when he first slid in, the face she makes will forever be his favorite. Inching his way in, he heard her sighs and continued to put more inches in her. "Open your eyes." Y/N's eyes closed without her noticing. Snapping her eyes open, she put her hand up against his hand which was around her throat.

Pulling back, he thrusted back inside her. Any other time he liked it torture her but there wasn't time for that. "Shit, you feel so good." Biting his bottom lip, he continued with his thrusting. Y/N was on her tippy toes, at this point she regretted not wearing heels like she originally planned.

Her legs felt weak and they were shaking from her nearing orgasm. "Fuck." She laid her head on her folder arms and closed her eyes. Jack didn't care this time because his orgasm was close too.

"Oh fuck!" She gripped onto the sink and pulled away from Jack when her orgasm got too intense for her.

"Ride that shit out." Jack pulled her back onto him and kept thrusting.

Watching her in the mirror and feeling her squeeze around him brought him closer and closer to the edge. It wasn't until she came for a second time that had him cumming inside her.

Out of breath he leaned down to place his weight on her back as they both came down from their high.

"I really need that water now." Kissing her neck, he got up and cleaned them up.

Back in the main room, music was still playing and some people were dancing. Jack thought no one noticed them missing for the past 15 mins but he was no where to be found when it was ready to sing happy birthday. Neither was Y/N so they put two and two together and didn't go searching for them.

Urban brought the cake back out with the candles lit and everyone started to sing happy birthday to Jack as he smiled the whole time. This was the best birthday so far.


Idk something quick, wanted to post this before 12am. My eyes were closing while writing this so sorry if it seems rushed, it was lmao.

I noticed I never remember what I be writing in my imagines. People be commenting on a paragraph and i be like "when tf did i write this" and it never makes sense to me. y'all real for reading my stuff, it be confusing me.

 y'all real for reading my stuff, it be confusing me

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Peace & Love ❤️

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