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My girl summer did her thing with this song. Had me in my feelings over a relationship I've never been in. 😔


2:37 AM

Jack: get off my phone with this shit.

You: this shit? yeah, I'm done w you

Jack: bye

Blocking his number and deleting him from your contacts, you peacefully started to go to sleep. Losing count at how many times you two have had this same argument about the same thing. It was just so draining.

The next morning you awoke with texts and calls from Urbans number. You should've blocked him too.


It's nothing personal Urban. You're just around the enemy right now. Getting up from your bed, you went to the bathroom to relieve yourself.

Then hopped in the shower thinking the warm water would rid you of your body aches. That's when your door started getting banged on almost making you slip in the shower.

Snatching your front door open you came face to face with Jackman. Without you even saying anything he just walked right in like it was his apartment.

"Leave," Instead of listening to you, he just took a seat on your sectional looking at you.

"I came to have a conversation with you so go get dressed." Turning your TV on he didn't wait for a response. That pissed you off. First, he walks in like he owns the place, didn't ask if he could use your cable and on top of that, bossing you around.

You went and got dressed though, can't beat his ass in your towel. You got dressed in an old shirt and some pajama shorts.

Walking back into your living-room, you just wanted to drag him off your couch by his hair and put him in a headlock, but you just took a seat far away from him.

"Talk." Looking away from the TV, he scanned your body and finally met your eyes. Putting the remote back on your table he rubbed his hands together before getting up and moving closer to you. "Don't get too close."

"Shut up." Sitting next to you, he brought your leg over his lap and started massaging your calf.

"You think you slick, touching me and shit." Without moving your leg from his lap, you waited for him to start talking.

He released a sigh before looking into your eyes, "I apologize for going off on you like that last night. You didn't deserve it." Names were said, feelings were hurt and not just yours. You knew you hurt his feelings, but you didn't care at the time. Wanting him to feel how you felt made you say whatever came to mind.

"Im sorry too, I shouldn't have told you that you looked like a ninja turtle." You shamefully hung your head breaking eye contact.

Laughing a bit, he squeezed your side a little. "Mamas, I'm not upset about that. I know I'm sexy." Here he goes. "What made me upset is you thinking I fucked that girl." Rolling your eyes, you tried to lift your leg off his lap, but he wouldn't let you.

"You sure as hell took up for her like you fucked her." Jack has this girl on his team that is always flirting with him even in front of you, but he doesn't see it. It drives you crazy. You ignore her most of the time because its just a crush and you knew Jack loved you.

One time you joked and said, "There goes your little girlfriend." He got mad at you. Like damn, you were just joking. Why did he take it so serious?

Another time, you got to a show late and it was just them two in his dressing room when you walked in. Awfully close together so you asked him if anything was going on. Only thing he said was that he loved you and you're blowing things out of proportion.

For a while you thought you were until April 1st came and the girl had the audacity to post an ultrasound and tag Jack. You were pissed and Jack was like, "Baby chill, its just an April Fools joke." Fuck the April, fuck the joke. You're not a fool. She had no business posting that because people took her serious especially TheShadeRoom. They had a field day.

What really made you upset is that he would never let you correct the girls behavior. Wouldn't let you say two words to her. He was protecting her, and you didn't know why because he hasn't been protecting your feelings from her. She could walk on them all the time and he wouldn't bat an eyelash.

This is how the argument started last night.

"Jack, can I stay at your place tonight? I lost my house keys." The girl said sitting down on the other side of him. You stuck your head out so you could make eye contact with her.

"Are you really asking my boyfriend if you can stay at his house when Im right here?" You asked getting closer to her face.

"Y/N, chill." Jack said pulling you away from her. At this point, everyone that was sitting with you guys in the section was paying attention to the conversation.

"Don't tell me to chill when I feel like Im being disrespected." Standing up, you grabbed your purse. "She could've asked me to stay at mine, hell asked anyone else who is single, but she asked the only taken guy." You left the club and headed home.

When you got home, Jack was blowing up your phone with texts and calls. Telling you to answer. By the time you finally responded to one, all you asked was, where did she go?

He told you she found her keys in her purse and left some time after you because you embarrassed her, and she didn't want to show her face anymore. Good. She will get zero sympathy from you.

Then you brought up how hes always protecting her and asked again if he was fucking her.

Jack: no I'm not and you need to stop asking.

You: no I don't. if have a feeling, I'm gonna ask questions.

Jack: well you need to stop bc its pissing me off

You: neverrrrrrr

Jack: youre being a bitch right now

You: ya momma

Jack: see here you go being disrespectful

You: you were disrespectful first you ugly ass ninja turtle

Jack: get off my phone with this shit


"I've  never fucked her, never led her on. I hardly even talk to the girl unless its business." Jack said bringing you back to reality. "Shes the one that be all in my face."

"You can tell her there are boundaries."

"Yeah, I can and I'm going to later today. I don't want to lose you because of her." He brought your leg up to give it a few pecks.

"Almost did." You admitted.

"Now unblock me. I had to steal Urbans phone while he was sleeping."


I honestly don't know what this is lol
Just wanted to have an imagine with a different theme.

Peace & Love ❤️

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