College Two

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What's your sign? I'm a Leo .. rawr xD .. I'm sorry lol


Two weeks has passed since you met Jack. Living with each other was going good, so much communication between you two.

Right now you had to start getting ready for a class and Jack was in the bathroom doing whatever. The only downside of living with him? You started to crush on him. Not watching him sleep or using his dirty silverware type of crush but blushing whenever he walked around shirtless with only grey sweatpants on.

You haven't told your friends about your roommate yet because you knew that'll come over and visit to be nosey. You didn't need that right now, the classes you picked up were harder than you thought.

"Jack, I really need to pee." What's taking him so long.

"Okay-Ok, I'm coming. Just give me a second." A minute later he walked out without looking at you. "You can go do your business, I'll wait."

"Thanks." After peeing, you hopped in the shower to get ready for the day. Back in the room, your clothes you picked out were laying on your bed. Something about getting dressed in a hot bathroom never sat right with you, so you waited until he went in to get in the shower to get dressed.

Putting your iPad in your bag, you made sure you had everything.

"When you get out of class, a friend is supposed to be over. We're just going to chill." Jack said holding a towel tightly around his waist.


This will be the first time another person will be in the dorm besides the parents or the RA. You knew why you didn't invite people into the dorm but why hasn't he? You've seen him on campus a lot talking to people so you knew he had friends. He probably didn't want them to be nosey either.

Grabbing a water bottle and granola bar, you walked out the dorm going to your first class of the day.

Rita, your friend, had a seat next to her saved by placing her bag on it. She seen you approaching and placed the bag on the floor. "Hey! You're here earlier than usual."

"Yeah, I actually got up for once when the first alarm went off." You sat down taking out your iPad. This class wasn't as hard as the others plus you had Rita in here to keep you company.

"Did you hear what happened with Fallen?" Rita loved to gossip, part of the reason you haven't invited her over. "A video of her sleeping with a teacher got leaked. It's going all around the school."

That's how this class went, Rita talking about the tape, giving you graphic details you did not ask for. Now you knew Fallen had a birthmark the shape of a triangle on her inner thigh.

"I think her boyfriend leaked it. Just listen, he found out she was cheating to get good grades and sent it around. If so, that's so fucked up."

"Yes it is, she can take him to court for that." You've heard about revenge porn and knew it was bad to do to someone.

"When's your next class?" Looking at the time on your phone, you seen you had a text from Jack.

Jack H. : I got you lunch, it's in the microwave.

Giving the text a thumbs ups, you locked your phone back. "Um, in an hour. Why?"

"Want to go get lunch with me?"

"Sorry, my roommate got me food and I don't want to waste it." Wishing she wouldn't invite herself over.

"Okay, I'll just grab lunch with Sid." Sid was another friend in the group but he had a different class than this one. He was in your next class.

You walked into the dorm and was met with a girl sitting on the couch, eating.

"Hey, I'm Y/N!" You held your hand out for a handshake. The girl just starred at you then said, Hi. She dismissed you by focusing back on the food.

Okay, you thought. People want to start off on a bad note. You got your food out the microwave and went into your room to eat.

Jack was in there looking for something. "Hey, how was your class?" You took the lid off your food and was met with chili cheese fries and a burger from the student dining.

"It was good. I might skip my next class to sleep."

He found whatever he was looking for under his bed. Sitting on the bed, he started to scratch his head. "I was kind of hoping you'd be gone for a while."

Your eyes got big with realization. "Ohhh, I see. Then I'll wait to nap, no problem." Packing the food back up, you were about to leave.

"If you're really tired, I can reschedule with her so you can get some sleep." The offer was tempting but it felt selfish to let him do that.

"No it's fine, Jack. Have fun!"


👀 what u doing in the bathroom Jack?

👀 what u doing in the bathroom Jack?

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Peace & Love ❤️

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